Is swiss roll anything but a cake?


11 Nov 2014
Local time
3:11 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Would you call a swiss roll (vanilla cake spread with jam and rolled up) a cake?

We discussed this today as to what you would classify it as OTHER than cake! At my child's kinder, a child brought two slices of swiss roll as lunch yet didn't consider it to be cake.

The teachers and I were horrified that this is all the parents provided as lunch for a four year old - surely you need to give the child some nutrition and lasing energy for a day of playing and learning.
Would you call a swiss roll (vanilla cake spread with jam and rolled up) a cake?

We discussed this today as to what you would classify it as OTHER than cake! At my child's kinder, a child brought two slices of swiss roll as lunch yet didn't consider it to be cake.

The teachers and I were horrified that this is all the parents provided as lunch for a four year old - surely you need to give the child some nutrition and lasing energy for a day of playing and learning.

Well, it's a cake, but maybe they didn't have anything else at home and gave it to them as a snack? I'm not saying it's right, but maybe the child had a huge breakfast or she ate her sandwiches already and didn't want to say? I used to eat them before lunchtime too if I was hungry!
Swiss rolls are a form of cake. Maybe the mother of the child you were referring to was just trying to give her little one a special treat. I sometimes will give my son a not so nutritional lunch either because we are in a huge hurry, or I just want to give him a nice surprise when he opens his lunchbox.
I am not sure I would jump to conclusions.
As having had kids with adverse food allergies and hard to get food into, there might be a number of reasons to why you will bring something that look like a treat for lunch.
It might also look worse than it is, depending on how it is prepared. I can make delicious looking cakes, that also taste great , but are high in nutrition. I am not saying that is is the case here, but you might want to investigate to why this happened, in stead of just accusing the parents.
White bread is not very high in nutrition, not even whole wheat , wheat is one of the things that causes the highest spike in blood sugar levels after just 20 minutes, be it bakes as bread or cake, its pretty much the same, its worse than sugar.
But on an other note, culture's vary greatly in what is considered a good lunch, some think that anything other than a hot meal is not lunch, some think it has to be bread, others think rice is the base of a good diet and lunch and so on.
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