Is there an ingredient you have never used?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
8:51 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Are there are ingredients you have never tried? If so, is it because of lack of availability, cost or perhaps hesitation about how to use it?

Now obviously, if you are vegan, vegetarian or have food intolerances/allergies there are going to be ingredients you can't or don't want to use. I'm asking here about things you could use, but haven't so far.
That's a tough question to answer. There are many thousands of ingredients around the world that I've never tried. Many ingredients I've never even heard of.

If you are talking about ingredients we would like to try, but haven't, that narrows it down a lot.

For me, one would be truffles -- black or white. I've just never been able to justify the price, especially since I've never even tasted them.

Yikes, there are plenty. Probably more I use, and many I've learned about since joining here.

Probably the most well-known one I've never used is saffron. It's easy to get, even in my little town, but I think mainly it's just that it doesn't really figure into anything I cook.
Probably the most well-known one I've never used is saffron.

You are missing a trick then. Its the most beautiful, subtle and sublime taste if used correctly.

For me, one would be truffles -- black or white. I've just never been able to justify the price, especially since I've never even tasted them.

I'm lucky to have had them, though I really can't afford them fresh these days. Its maybe a taste you like or don't like. Its deep down earthy, sexy (yes!), musky and to me, a heady experience. The fragrance is unique.
We have some stuff in the produce section (fruit) I've never tried, like dragon fruit, and some spiky orange things I can't remember the name of.
Yikes, there are plenty. Probably more I use, and many I've learned about since joining here.

Probably the most well-known one I've never used is saffron. It's easy to get, even in my little town, but I think mainly it's just that it doesn't really figure into anything I cook.
You really need to make a curry with saffron lol

Chicory (?) :giggle:

don't like pineapple or banana...

I guess seaweed is one I'd like to use more but it's never really featured much in our diet.
polenta and/or semolina would be another. Easily available but I've never really used them much. I've even get 2 lots of polenta and another of semolina.
Jasmine rice would be another I guess.
And I guess capers. Again, got/had some but haven't really used them.
I wonder if this is going to become a "name the obscure veg thread"?

I miss nettles. They don't grow the same way here. Those lush green stinging nettles in the UK that are 1m high don't exist here. 20-30 cm and they are heavily seeded and dying back already. Eating them just isn't the same
Are there are ingredients you have never tried? If so, is it because of lack of availability, cost or perhaps hesitation about how to use it?
For sure. But what those ingredients are, I cannot say. I probably don't know what they are and so, have not used them.
I suppose you might put "offal" into that category, MG. Lots of people, I imagine, have never eaten brains, heart, kidneys, sweatbreads, Rocky Mountain Oysters or chitterlings.
And when you say " what they are, I cannot say", FL - absolutely spot on. I´ve been to Chinese markets and seen things I´ve never even seen before. When I´ve asked the stallholder, the reply is always " That´s for soup" - but they´ve never actually told me what the heck the thing is called!
I suppose you might put "offal" into that category, MG. Lots of people, I imagine, have never eaten brains, heart, kidneys, sweatbreads, Rocky Mountain Oysters or chitterlings.
And when you say " what they are, I cannot say", FL - absolutely spot on. I´ve been to Chinese markets and seen things I´ve never even seen before. When I´ve asked the stallholder, the reply is always " That´s for soup" - but they´ve never actually told me what the heck the thing is called!

I've eaten calf fries, which are breaded and deep fried calf testicles. They taste okay, but nothing special.

I wonder if this is going to become a "name the obscure veg thread"?
My plan is, the next time I go my local grocer, to gander through the fruit and veg and see what is readily available to me that I haven't ever had. That'll be a bit of fun.

Seafood and fish, though - plenty of that I've never tried (lobster, octopus, flounder, etc), nor do I plan to. I did eat a fried shrimp one. Someone crammed one in my mouth while in was in the process of explaining why I don't eat shrimp. :laugh:
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