Just Quit Smoking, Food Advice needed


16 Nov 2014
Local time
4:56 AM
Washington, USA
I just quit smoking and I am looking for some low fat, low sugar snacks I can eat to help me through all of this.The goal I have is not to gain weight while trying to make myself healthier here. I have a supply of nuts already, but I am looking for some actual tasty snack foods that I can nibble on and not have to worry about how much I am going to weigh next month.
Nuts are not going to get great to nibble on and not worry about weight. They are ideal for people who take lots of exercise for a reason, they are laden with calories.
Dried fruit has similar issues, only with sugar not oil.

Ironically, your best friend is going to be popcorn of the homemade variety. It is a high fibre, low calorie (compared to everything else) snack. It is either that our find out how bland and uninteresting rice cakes can be!

Homemade popcorn is the best option and I don't mean the ready flavoured stuff you pop in the microwave, get the plain stuff and create your own flavours with some herbs and spices and a little oil. Just remember that on average 1tbsp of oil is over 100 calories, so go easy on the oil.
Dried fruit! It's still sweet, but it is also chewy and takes longer to consume so because it lasts longer, your mouth is satisfied, the chewy texture keeps you busy (like gum) so you don't engage in nervous (over) eating. Fresh fruit is good also, as long as it is something low on the glycemic chart like apples. The fiber is good for you too!
I know you are looking for snacks here, and I think you've already gotten two very good suggestions above from ChanellG and SatNavSO. The thing is that smoking is something of an activity, and I think you'll do better by trying to replace it with an activity. Try taking a short walk when you want to light up. And take up doing something new with your hands. It could be anything. Carry a sketch pad, take up some needlework, whittling or some other thing you can carry with you to places where you can't just get up and walk when you want. And definitely use prayer and meditation to help strengthen you and cleanse your spirit of the desire to smoke.
Good luck rosyrain, because as hard as it might be you're doing one of the best things you could possibly do for your health.
How about carrot sticks or celery with some hummus or some other kind of low calorie dip. The same thing with fruit like apples and strawberries. We are making a conscious effort to start eating healthier and the biggest challenge is that all of the healthier foods cost so much! My kids are begging for strawberries, and they hate frozen ones, but they are $7.99 a package right now!
Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone. I have been chewing on gum for over a week now and eating some dried fruit here and there (with occassional potato chips thrown into the mix. I know bad, bad, bad). I have not chewed a single piece of gum yet today and instead took a nice long walk to the grocery store this morning. It was about 3 miles round trip in 30 degree weather. It felt amazing. My jaws were starting to get sore from all of the gum chewing so I had to do something else to occupy my time. I am going to cut up some carrot sticks because those actually sound real good.
I just quit smoking and I am looking for some low fat, low sugar snacks I can eat to help me through all of this.The goal I have is not to gain weight while trying to make myself healthier here. I have a supply of nuts already, but I am looking for some actual tasty snack foods that I can nibble on and not have to worry about how much I am going to weigh next month.

Well done :thumbsup:
Good for you!!!! I quit smoking a few years ago and it's not easy. I managed to do it without gaining weight, I kept pre-washed and cut up vegetables in the fridge like carrots, celery, peppers and broccoli and when I had a craving I'd eat those. I also drank a ton of water. Keep a big bottle or glass with you at all times, or buy some flavored Perrier if you want a change. It helps flush out your body and keep your hands and mouth busy. Best of luck!
Any fruit will do. So will berries. And as already suggested vegetable sticks with a low calorie dip is a great option... you can do this with pretty much any veggies that you like. In any case, not smoking is already a HUGE improvement on your health so don't be too hard on yourself if you have to dig into some unhealthy snacks once in a while to make it work.
I do notice that I have been drinking a lot more water and juice since I have quit and this is mostly so that I could just have something to keep my hands and mouth busy. Sipping on hot tea has also helped because it tastes good and sipping requires work.
I just quit smoking and I am looking for some low fat, low sugar snacks I can eat to help me through all of this.The goal I have is not to gain weight while trying to make myself healthier here. I have a supply of nuts already, but I am looking for some actual tasty snack foods that I can nibble on and not have to worry about how much I am going to weigh next month.
I would say nuts are a good snack. I also eat dates when I have the urge to eat something sweet. I've noticed how much better I feel from making my own snacks at home. The salt and sugar is the main issue with store brought snacks.
I forgot to mention that fruit is really the best snack for the body. Fruit is natures candy, and vegetables are natures meat. You can't go wrong with these two in your diet.
The funny thing is that I really have to be in the mood for fruit in order to eat it. It is not always my favorite thing. I love apples and those are my main fruit. I am more into veggies. Strange I know.
The funny thing is that I really have to be in the mood for fruit in order to eat it. It is not always my favorite thing. I love apples and those are my main fruit. I am more into veggies. Strange I know.

Not strange at all, I know what you mean, veg is a meal staple fruit isn't so you have to make the effort.
I just quit smoking and I am looking for some low fat, low sugar snacks I can eat to help me through all of this.The goal I have is not to gain weight while trying to make myself healthier here. I have a supply of nuts already, but I am looking for some actual tasty snack foods that I can nibble on and not have to worry about how much I am going to weigh next month.
Well eating plenty of raw fruits will work for sure. All sugar is not bad, It just depends on where you get your sugar from. Processed white sugar is the worst. The best source of natural sugar is from fruits. You will not gain much eating plenty of raw fruits and veggies.
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