

10 Jan 2015
Local time
1:18 AM
Northeastern USA
Have you heard of, drank, or made kombucha?

I heard about it a few years ago and now I think it is surfacing as a more popular drink. Maybe someone could explain it, I don't know too much about it.
Kombucha tea is a fermented drink made with tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. Although it's sometimes referred to as kombucha mushroom tea, kombucha is not a mushroom — it's a colony of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha tea is made by adding the colony to sugar and tea allowing the mix to ferment.

It's quite nasty at first unless you use the sugar the right way. Also, if you do not ferment it right or wait the allotted time it can make you very sick. It's an old Japanese recipe, literally meaning "Kelp Tea" or "Red Tea".
I have made batches of Kombucha on and off for several years. (Many times I get it going and keep it up for a while, and then just let it die.)

It isn't a lot of work, but it is constant upkeep, and one of those things where if you aren't actively drinking the "tea" - you get too much of it and it becomes a bit overwhelming.

I recently documented the process of making it though, with pictures and everything, if you want to read all about you can find my article here: How to Make Kombucha Tea from Scratch
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