Latest member from South Africa

Welcome! Please check out the Challenges Forum for what I think is the most consistently fun part of this forum. Just lurk at first and see what people are posting to create a spark for you, if you like. Or, dive in head-first if you want. You'll find that the people on this forum are the most supporting and non-judgmental that you'll find anywhere (trust me...I've tried other forums, and I know!)
Welcome! Please check out the Challenges Forum for what I think is the most consistently fun part of this forum. Just lurk at first and see what people are posting to create a spark for you, if you like. Or, dive in head-first if you want. You'll find that the people on this forum are the most supporting and non-judgmental that you'll find anywhere (trust me...I've tried other forums, and I know!)
That's good to hear/read. I'm super excited about this forum
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