Recipe Leek and Mushroom Gratin


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:28 AM
SE Australia
I have to confess that this is one of our favourite recipes. We have had to adapt it over the years, to take into account that I can no longer have dairy, but this is the full veggie version which makes for a great Christmas Day meal. There is no definite weights needed for this recipe, so mix and match as necessary.

leek and mushrrom gratin.jpg

2lb (1kg) leeks, cleaned and sliced
1lb (500g) mushrooms, quartered/6th'ed.
1tbsp oil
1/2pt (300ml) veg stock
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of parley, chopped
juice of 1/2 lemon
4-6oz/150g of a tasty cheddar cheese, grated
1/4pt (150ml) single cream
100ml white wine
4oz fresh brown/wholemeal breadcrumbs
2tbsp olive oil

  1. Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6/400F/200C
  2. Heat the 1tbsp oil in a large frying pan or large saucepan, and fry the mushrooms and leeks lightly to seal in the flavour.
  3. Add the stock, bay leaf and lemon juice and cook uncovered for around 10 minutes until the leeks are almost cooked.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms and leeks from the stock and add them to an ovenproof dish.
  5. Add the white wine to the remaining stock and simmer until it is almost gone. You should have no more than roughly 1/4pt or 150ml and you really do need to boil this down much further than you think you should! Set aside to cool. (This will happen faster in another vessel especially if you were using a thick bottomed pan!)
  6. Whilst the stock is cooling, sprinkle half of the grated cheese over the mushroom and leek mixture.
  7. Next mix the breadcrumbs with the chopped parsley, olive oil and the remaining grated cheese.
  8. Once the stock is cool enough, add the cream and season to taste.
  9. Now pour the stock over the mushroom and leeks, but do not cover completely. It should be a thick sauce as a coating to the veg, not a watery stock, so if there is too much, don't add it all!
  10. Finally cover the veg mixture with the breadcrumb mixture and bake for 15-30 minutes until golden and crispy.
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