Lemon Peel


8 Feb 2015
Local time
12:24 PM
Hello. I read from internet that lemon peel contains more nutrients that lemon juice. I would like to ask if how could I eat it or how could I add it to any dish? Do you have any idea please help me. Thanks
I just eat the peel when I slice a lemon for a glass of tea. When you grate the lemon peel it is in the food also. I put a squirt of lemon juice in my tuna salad when I make tuna salad. You may be able to add grated lemon peel to the tuna if you eat tuna.
lemon peel can be preserved in salted water, to soften it, then it can be sliced and added to Morrocan dishes like couscous or tagines to eat. Goes well with rich meat like lamb to cut through the greasiness.
Hello. I read from internet that lemon peel contains more nutrients that lemon juice. I would like to ask if how could I eat it or how could I add it to any dish? Do you have any idea please help me. Thanks
Do you have any references for this? I know that some recipes call for lemon rind sometimes but not that often and it is without the white pith which I had always been lead to believe was not good for you
I'm so glad you asked! Lemon skin is one of my absolute favorite ingredients! First, I prefer to remove it in long strips as opposed to zesting it. Then I chop it and use it as needed. Whenever I cut a lemon for juice, I first remove the skin so that I can have it for use in everything from salmoriglio to stock to simple syrup. I use it when cooking fish, I put it in cocktails... I have not candied any yet, but this is on my list of things to do. You could also dry it for tea and use it to infuse vinegar. Many of the same things you do with it can also be done with the peel of other citrus.
Do you have any references for this? I know that some recipes call for lemon rind sometimes but not that often and it is without the white pith which I had always been lead to believe was not good for you

I have dozens! Are you on Pinterest? Not only is lemon peel nutritious, you can use it in much of the same way that you use lemons. Here is a link to 40 ways to use the peel: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/218002438187330727/

Here is another link to a recipe for salmoriglio - a raw Sicilian sauce you can use for just about anything you like:
I have dozens! Are you on Pinterest? Not only is lemon peel nutritious, you can use it in much of the same way that you use lemons. Here is a link to 40 ways to use the peel: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/218002438187330727/

Here is another link to a recipe for salmoriglio - a raw Sicilian sauce you can use for just about anything you like:
Nope I'm not it. I don't do social media for a number of reasons (past job and issues with family members stalking me to name a few).

I was curious about the op's unqualified statement
I read from internet that lemon peel contains more nutrients that lemon juice.
and hoping for more info on that really. Thank you. :thumbsup:
Nope I'm not it. I don't do social media for a number of reasons (past job and issues with family members stalking me to name a few).

I was curious about the op's unqualified statement
and hoping for more info on that really. Thank you. :thumbsup:

Pinterest is a bookmarking site. While there is a social element now that you can send a message to someone when you recommend a pin to them, I'd hardly put it in the same category as Facebook, twitter, and the rest. There's very little interaction and you can have unlimited private boards now. That means you can have one board with one pin and then all the rest could be private. I'll check for that nutrition info on lemon peel. I just checked, but it must be pinned under something else.
Haven't found that pin, but as I am rather busy for a while I decided to just Google the nutrition benefits of citrus peel to see if I could come up with some numbers for you, @SatNavSaysStraightOn. Here are a couple of links in support of lemon peel nutrition:

This one is more or less an introduction, but the source seems reliable: http://www.livestrong.com/article/476501-nutritional-benefits-of-lemon-peels/
This one breaks the nutrients down in detail: http://www.newhealthguide.org/Eating-Lemon-Peel.html
I wasn't disputing it has benefits/uses, but the claim was that the lemon peel was better for you/contained more nutrients that the actual lemon juice itself!
That was what I was looking for justification for and I can't find anything immediately obvious.

I read from internet that lemon peel contains more nutrients that lemon juice

Not too mention that
you would have to consuming large amounts of peel to glean significant nutritional
from one of the articles you have quoted.

I am just trying to get my head around someone thinking that lemon peel contains more nutrients (that the body can use and access) than the juice itself. It is rather like saying egg shells are better for you than the contents of the egg shells... OK they have a good level of calcium (1g of egg shell crushed apparently contains 90% of the USA RDA of calcium) but would you want to actually incorporate that quantity into your daily diet to make sure you get enough calcium?

that was all...
I used lemon peel in cooking some of my sweet recipes. For my custard flan I grate a little bit of lemon peel and include it together with the mixture of ingredients before steaming the flan. It gives a different aroma and taste that blends well with the sweetness of this . And also for cooking sweetened coconut I put grated lemon peel and it is absolutely delicious! Lemon peel can also be use as a natural cleaning agent in the kitchen to remove grease and dirt.
Hello. I read from internet that lemon peel contains more nutrients that lemon juice. I would like to ask if how could I eat it or how could I add it to any dish? Do you have any idea please help me. Thanks
You can eat lemon peel plain, yes it does have more nutrients that the juice, which most fruit has more nutrients the closer you get to the skin. you can grate the peel into a glass of tea, or mix it with water.
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