Less usual eggs


Über Member
14 Oct 2015
Local time
3:03 PM
Having just got some duck eggs for the first time since April and it made me wonder what other eggs (beside hen) you all have eaten and enjoyed.
I've regularly eaten hen, duck (rich, slightly tougher whites) and goose (huge - roughly equivalent to three hen, similar texture) eggs, but have also had turkey (really very little different from hen, but slightly bigger) , guinea fowl (incredibly tough shells to break - they naturally roost in trees, so maybe that's why) and quail (tiny, but can be very rich despite size).
How about you?
I have chickens and get eggs from them. I also had 2 ducks one of which was a female and laid eggs. The eggs from the ducks were beautiful. A deep yellow colour and great to cook with.

I've never tried any other kinds of eggs though.
If I ever had duck eggs I must have been a child. Besides that the only eggs I have had are chicken eggs, The ones I have at present are so small, I'd call them pigeon eggs but that's it for me. Nothing more for me except when I stumbled on the double yolked egg.
I have had duck and goose eggs before because when we were younger we raised
ducks and geese. Now I just eat hen eggs. I remember the others one to be
quite good at the time.
Besides that the only eggs I have had are chicken eggs, The ones I have at present are so small, I'd call them pigeon eggs but that's it for me

The only eggs I can remember eating, even from childhood days, are chicken eggs. I don't know what other eggs taste like, if they are better than chicken eggs or about the same. I like my eggs to be fairly big though. As winterybella mentioned, the ones that are small gives one the impression that they are pigeon eggs. In our household, we call these small eggs, bird eggs. When they are so small I prefer to eat two of them at a time.
Plover eggs ,quail eggs ,goose and duck I've even had pheasant eggs ,Turkey and pigeon good for fancy garnishes or baking ,and also fish eggs
Easter eggs! Well not really 'cos I don't really do chocolate but I couldn't resist.

Seriously though, I've had duck's eggs and quail's eggs. I like the latter for poaching and serving on caviar and blinis. No, not real caviar sadly. Duck eggs are bigger than hen's eggs. I had a delicious starter in a restaurant in Ramsgate: Softly boiled duck egg, served in an egg-cup with crispy duck skin 'soldiers' to dip.
I have chickens and get eggs from them. I also had 2 ducks one of which was a female and laid eggs. The eggs from the ducks were beautiful. A deep yellow colour and great to cook with.

I've never tried any other kinds of eggs though.
You get a male laying eggs there's something wrong!

I've had duck and goose eggs.

Can get Ostrich eggs at £5 each from a butchers.
You get a male laying eggs there's something wrong!

I've had duck and goose eggs.

Can get Ostrich eggs at £5 each from a butchers.
Have you tried the ostrich egg. Seems very expensive although I suppose it would feed several people. I wonder who buys them and what they do with them.
Have you tried the ostrich egg. Seems very expensive although I suppose it would feed several people. I wonder who buys them and what they do with them.
One of the local pubs that also does food includes them in their breakfast fry-up.
Other than that, I've not bought any for myself.
Easter eggs! Well not really 'cos I don't really do chocolate but I couldn't resist.

Seriously though, I've had duck's eggs and quail's eggs. I like the latter for poaching and serving on caviar and blinis. No, not real caviar sadly. Duck eggs are bigger than hen's eggs. I had a delicious starter in a restaurant in Ramsgate: Softly boiled duck egg, served in an egg-cup with crispy duck skin 'soldiers' to dip.
This post wasn't visible when I replied last night. Mine followed Berties post.
Duck eggs are bigger than hen's eggs.
I recently came across ducks that lay eggs smaller than a hen's egg which really surprised me. And it wasn't a one off. My friends who have these ducks say that they have always lain eggs that are smaller than hen's egg. Weird because I have always known ducks eggs to be larger than a hens egg.

I've also had bantam eggs (small and blue, brown or white), quail eggs (even smaller, very speckled).
I would love to try some geese eggs but they are way too expensive in the supermarket (£6.99 for 1 :eek:)
We used to have a supplier of native chicken eggs, they are the small ones, maybe just half the size of an ordinary egg. It is normally mixed in root beer to be drank for health purposes. They say it gives you energy. Quail eggs, those small marble-like dotted eggs, are common here. We sometimes eat boiled quail eggs for a snack. We also have balut - semi hatched duck egg that has the embryo inside. It is also boiled and when you eat, you can see the small duckling inside. Can you eat that?
Having just got some duck eggs for the first time since April and it made me wonder what other eggs (beside hen) you all have eaten and enjoyed.
I've regularly eaten hen, duck (rich, slightly tougher whites) and goose (huge - roughly equivalent to three hen, similar texture) eggs, but have also had turkey (really very little different from hen, but slightly bigger) , guinea fowl (incredibly tough shells to break - they naturally roost in trees, so maybe that's why) and quail (tiny, but can be very rich despite size).
How about you?
I think I am pretty conservative when it comes to my eggs. To my knowledge, I don't think I have had any eggs other than hens eggs. I am not adverse to trying other kinds of eggs, I just don't think I have had the opportunity.
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