Recipe Little Bacon And Egg Pies


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
5:28 AM
6 shortcut bacon rashers
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 sheets frozen shortcrust pastry, thawed
60g baby spinach leaves
6 eggs

Step 1
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush 6 large muffin cups lightly with oil to grease. Cut the bacon rashers in half lengthways, then crossways into strips. Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the bacon over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
  2. Cut two 14cm diameter rounds from each sheet of pastry. Carefully place into the muffin cups, pressing the folds of pastry into the sides. Remove any thick stems from the spinach, and divide among each pastry case, layering into the base and sides.
  3. Sprinkle the bacon over the spinach, then carefully break an egg into each case. Bake for 20 minutes, until just set. Serve warm or at room temperature.
I love the way it looks on photo. I think this would make a cute addition to my list, look at how that little egg is nested on that small crust. So dainty and classy I must say. Thanks for inspiring me to make my own take on this lovely recipe.
I love the way it looks on photo. I think this would make a cute addition to my list, look at how that little egg is nested on that small crust. So dainty and classy I must say. Thanks for inspiring me to make my own take on this lovely recipe.
The first one was just tooo big, the second seemed to be just tooo small. This one seems to be the perfect size.
I think I'll try these but I'll try it with wonton wrappers, maybe two if it isn't big enough. I don't like the extra pastry that the picture shows here but I imagine if the wonton wrappers and painted with egg wash it and trimming down it would be nice and crispy to go with this! Good recipe!
That is an amazing idea and I am going to save it to make for my family. I think the one thing that would make it even more better would be to add a few grilled onions to the mix as well. I am very fond of grilled onions and you will see me talk about them a lot in my posts. Looks like this would be a very healthy breakfast, especially if you used turkey bacon instead of real bacon.
I am just loving this. I am a sucker for what looks good on a plate. Of course it must taste good as well but this one right here is something I would LOVE to try.
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