Mac n Cheese

Dive Bar Casanova

Senior Member
9 Mar 2019
Local time
3:51 AM
My family loves Macaroni & Cheese.
I tried the Sweetie Pies recipe and they thought ok. Just OK.
It was a lot of work for a not so simple Mac n Cheese. Maybe it was the amount I made that made it more labor.
Looked so good on the TV show.

I strictly stuck to the recipe:

The kids n Wifie like the pre-made COSTCO Mac n Cheese better:


If you ever find yourself in Los Angeles a good place to have lunch at fair prices is the Smoke House.
I’m a regular and can almost guarantee you’ll see someone famous if you sit at the bar to eat.

I bring up the Smoke House because their famous cheese bread uses the cheese packet ingredients from the Kraft Mac n Cheese for their (famous?) cheese bread topping:

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Is this the one you made? Sweetie Pie's Mac and Cheese Recipe -

I have an easy mac and cheese recipe that my family loves. I can post it if you are interested.
The Velveta cheese like product I cut in 1” square cubes per a tip I picked up watching the show.

What’s not to like? I ask the kids.
Creatures of habit. It was out of their element.
I cater too much sometimes.

They like frozen fish sticks over properly prepared Cod or halibut Fish n Chips.
Yeah, I cater too much.
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I know I'm in a very small minority, but I can't stomach the stuff.

Its not top of my list. Although I do rather like it with spinach on the side. We call it Macaroni Cheese here and its nowhere near as popular in the UK as it is in the US. I think it used to be more popular when I was a kid. Here it is traditionally baked in the oven and has a 'crusty' top.

What is you don't like TastyReuben ? I mean, is it that you don't like creamy sauces with pasta?
Its not top of my list. Although I do rather like it with spinach on the side. We call it Macaroni Cheese here and its nowhere near as popular in the UK as it is in the US. I think it used to be more popular when I was a kid. Here it is traditionally baked in the oven and has a 'crusty' top.

What is you don't like TastyReuben ? I mean, is it that you don't like creamy sauces with pasta?
I have no idea why I don't like it. At its core, its pasta and cheese, so that seems like a no-brainer, but there's just something about it that turns my stomach.

I was once physically attacked for saying I didn't like macaroni-and-cheese, that's how much it's revered here. It's like saying you don't like kittens and love. :laugh:

I've made it many times - stovetop versions, baked versions, basic versions, deluxe versions...MrsT loves it and would eat it twice a week if I made it, and that's saying something, as she hates repeats.

I'll eat it every few years, usually after some thick-headed smart-azz will insist the only reason I don't like it is because I've never had theirs - then I find great joy in taking a bite, getting a look of complete rapture on my face, and proclaiming that, "! It tastes...I can't find the's so...oh...oh...yes...yes! There it tastes!t!" :laugh:

I rarely ever refer to it as "mac 'n' cheese" - it's "macaroni-and-cheese." That's what it was called growing up, so that's what I still call it.
Mac and cheese is food of the gods. I love it. I can make a meal out of just Mac and cheese. Add some meat (ham/sausage/bacon), or some veggies, and it becomes more of a meal.


Macaroni and Cheese is the food of food stamp Moms, who work low paying jobs, divorced with multiple kids. It comes thus in box form, just add water, boil and add the flavor packet with milk and maybe butter. The kids make it. I know because this sort of Macaroni and Cheese is what gave me my start at cooking for myself. Sometimes, you add things, usually Tuna and call it Tuna Noodle Hot Dish.

These days, I don't use Elbow Macaroni any more. Instead I use Penne or Rotini with a bottled Cheese Sauce, or if I have the time, melt and create my own Cheese Sauce, mostly using Cheddar.
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Macaroni and Cheese is the food of food stamp Moms, who work low paying jobs, divorced with multiple kids. It comes thus in box form, just add water, boil and add the flavor packet with milk and maybe butter. The kids make it. I know because this sort of Macaroni and Cheese is what gave me my start at cooking for myself. Sometimes, you add things, usually Tuna and call it Tuna Noodle Hot Dish.

These days, I don't use Elbow Macaroni any more. Instead I use Penne or Rotini with a bottled Cheese Sauce, or if I have the time, melt and create my own Cheese Sauce, mostly using Cheddar.

Yeah, Mac and cheese CAN be starving college student food. But, it can be amazing chef kind of food. I don't eat the "blue box" kind of Mac and cheese stuff anymore ( although I ate a lot of it when I was in school and had little money). Cooked right, from scratch, Mac and cheese is amazing.

I love macaroni cheese, but I only ever make it from scratch - I can't stand the tinned or boxed versions.

I like it plain, but I often add extras to it too: sweat off some onions or fry off some sausage meat to mix with the part-cooked pasta. If I have some (cooked) sweet potatoes or squash to use up then I mash them up and stir them into the cheese sauce.....if anything it makes the sauce taste even cheesier.
Yeah, Mac and cheese CAN be starving college student food. But, it can be amazing chef kind of food. I don't eat the "blue box" kind of Mac and cheese stuff anymore ( although I ate a lot of it when I was in school and had little money). Cooked right, from scratch, Mac and cheese is amazing.


When it comes to Mac N Cheese being Food of The Gods, a working Mom can be a Goddess to her kids. We all understood the dilemma and her devotion.
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I recalled a funny story from when the Clintons were in the White House. Apparently, one of the chefs there wrote a book and included it.

Q: You spoke highly of Chelsea Clinton in your book. How did your job change with a kid living in the White House?

She was 12 years old when she got there, and at first — you know, she eats what we eat — we kept to kind of simple menus. … [One night], the butler came down and said she’d like macaroni and cheese and, of course, I jumped down and made it from scratch, and she said, “Well that was all well and good and nice, but next time can I have the one from the box?”

Source: Cooking in the White House
I will admit to liking the blue box mac-n-cheese, but realized recently that my GI tract no longer likes it, at least on a semi regular basis. I used to have it as a quick lunch/brunch, but have had to find something else, and the blue box has become an infrequent treat.
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