Make curry hotter

Roger Burton

Senior Member
12 Dec 2019
Local time
10:29 AM
Hi chaps, I have made a curry following a recipe, it’s tastes really good but not very hot, is there something I can add that will make things hotter but not change the flavour, I’m guessing chilli powder but any advice will be very welcome. In addition, a little related, looking in the spice cupboard at the various things I add to curries, turmeric, coriander, cumin, allspice, ginger, cloves, garam masala etc I think generally these add “flavour” not heat … again opinions please.
Chilies basically. Either dried or fresh. There are a variety of Indian chilies that are regional but in general I use a generic Thai chili or serrano in a pinch. Birds eye is a popular one because it's more readily available. Kashmiri either dried of powder form I use most of the time. Heat is regional also in India, so I suggest a little research for spices and chili depending on the type of curry dish your trying to duplicate.
I've been known to use sambal as well. :okay: I use tamarind, sambal and local honey for a duck breast glaze and think it's imperative that fledgling cooks think out of the box and expect the unexpected, that's how we really learn.
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Thanks MG and GH, I figured that was the way to go, the recipe is for a Balti, I think it has little to do with it’s homeland more Birmingham UK … very popular here but I’ve never made it before, I made a paste with chilli garlic ginger and could easily mince up some more and add “to taste” … good of you both ….
I keep a variety of dried chilis in the pantry. When you grind them to a powder, some are VERY hot, so you can use a small amount for heat, without significant change in flavor.

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