Making a Healthy Smoothie/Shake


7 Apr 2015
Local time
4:28 AM
I've been trying to make something that is healthy, affordable and delicious. I think I would enjoy something strawberry but I don't like bananas at all. This makes it difficult I think since the bananas make it thick. Maybe I could put yogurt in it to make it thicker and more like a shake? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Add ground up porridge oats. They thicken anything and work wonders. I grind them myself in a small coffee grinder, but a food processor would work as well I think. Anyhow, you don't need many, a handful per litre at the most and they thicken really well and are pretty much tasteless. They are even OK for gluten free (provided you know they are a good source and are free from contaminants which contain gluten)

Yoghurt also works, but I can't offer suggestions being dairy free.
I like using yogurt too - and I actually find that using frozen fruit is one thing that seems to give my smoothies that extra bulk and thickness. I really liked @SatNavSaysStraightOn's suggestion of adding oats - I think as well as giving the smoothie more thickness that would also help with feeling fuller for longer, rather than with some smoothies when you feel peckish not long afterwards.
I put Greek yogurt in my smoothies and they always come out nice and thick. My smoothies usually mostly consist of various berries. I like them like that. I have never added oats before but I am liking that idea. I think I will give it a try and see what it is like.
Everything besides my juicer either can't be found or is broken so I have not made a smoothie in a while. I think I'm going to settle for a good blender and just mix and match until I get the perfect taste. Unlike the OP I intend to have banana is every smoothie if possible and I wasn't even thinking of thickness. I suppose the oats would be a good idea and Shermie's green smoothie looks great.
I like using yogurt too - and I actually find that using frozen fruit is one thing that seems to give my smoothies that extra bulk and thickness. I really liked @SatNavSaysStraightOn's suggestion of adding oats - I think as well as giving the smoothie more thickness that would also help with feeling fuller for longer, rather than with some smoothies when you feel peckish not long afterwards.
My nutritionalist recommended it to me many years ago. Her smoothie recipe was

Yogurt & milk to thin
Ground oats
Ground nuts/linseed (flaxseed)/other seeds
Berries/other fruit
Honey/sweetener as required.

There are no dedicated quantities, but be careful with the ground oats, they absorb liquid as you make it and also as it stands. You don't need many ground oats or many ground nuts/seeds. The nuts/seeds can be omitted if wanted but they are a good source of protein and good oils. Make it thinner than you really want it.

And yes, it does keep you fuller longer. And yes it is really tasty.
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