Making Ginger Beer


15 Nov 2014
Local time
2:39 PM
I'm looking for a good way to make ginger beer. Has anyone made it before? My last few batches very not that carbonated. I also used bread yeast. Should I use champagne yeast, though I have a hard time finding it in Taiwan :(.
I'm looking for a good way to make ginger beer. Has anyone made it before? My last few batches very not that carbonated. I also used bread yeast. Should I use champagne yeast, though I have a hard time finding it in Taiwan :(.

This is my way of making Ginger Beer
Your yeast may not be the problem. Its could be what your feeding the yeast, the storage temperature, amount of light exposure. All of the above or a combination of the above. Yeast in ginger beer feed off of sugar. If your recipe doesn't call for enough sugar that could be the problem. You want to store the beer in a warm place (not hot), and there should be little or no light present while the beer is fermenting. Hope that helps. Please let us know.
I have heard of ginger beer, but never tried it. Does it burn going down? Ginger is harsh. I have not made beer, but I have made wine. I have used bread yeast and specialty yeasts, such as champagne. I honestly didn't taste the difference, but some people stand by special kinds. I don't think you will see a big difference, so I wouldn't go out of your way to get champagne yeast if it's hard to come by.
Made it ages ago. Overcarbonation was the problem, rather than overcarbonation. I stored it in some cupboards in my parents' kitchen. We came back from vacation and some of the bottles had exploded, blowing open the cupboard doors and spraying glass and sticky stuff all over the kitchen.
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