Recipe Marmite Cake


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
8:29 PM
Marmite Cake.jpg

You'll need:
250g plain flour
1 tbsp baking powder
200g mature cheddar cheese, grated
4 free-range eggs
125ml olive oil
100ml milk
1 tablespoon plain yoghurt
1 tsp Marmite
Large pinch of salt
Freshly ground black pepper
For the topping:
20g butter, melted
2 tsp Marmite

Make it!
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 and lightly grease a 20cm round cake tin. (A silicon one works well for this).
  2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl along with 150g of the cheese and stir to combine. (Save the rest of the cheese for the top later).
  3. In a separate bowl whisk the eggs until very frothy and gradually add the olive oil, milk, yoghurt, and Marmite, whisking well to combine. Season with the salt and black pepper, if you like.
  4. Add the egg to the flour mixture in batches, stirring to combine.
  5. Scoop into the cake tin and smooth out evenly, the sprinkle the top with the rest of the grated cheese.
  6. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the cheese is golden and the cake feels firm.
  7. Cool in the tin for a few minutes.
The topping:
  1. Melt the butter and Marmite together in a small saucepan.
  2. Whilst the cake is still warm, poke holes in the top with a skewer and drizzle over the melted butter-Marmite mixture.
  3. Serve with LARGE SLICES OF CHEDDAR and revel in glorious Marmiteyness...
I would ask what have we here but I have asked that before...I am a cheese lover but I don't know. This feels like a ton of cheese. Is there a Marmite smoothie around btw? I am still trying to wrap me head around the Marmite.
I would ask what have we here but I have asked that before...I am a cheese lover but I don't know. This feels like a ton of cheese. Is there a Marmite smoothie around btw? I am still trying to wrap me head around the Marmite.
There's two!
I would ask what have we here but I have asked that before...I am a cheese lover but I don't know. This feels like a ton of cheese. Is
there a Marmite smoothie around btw? I am still trying to wrap me head around the Marmite.
200g cheese, sounds about right.
Classic has managed to find 2 recipes for Marmite smoothies so far! I wonder if he has tried to make them?!
You still have time to find out about Marmite!
200g cheese, sounds about right.
Classic has managed to find 2 recipes for Marmite smoothies so far! I wonder if he has tried to make them?!
You still have time to find out about Marmite!
I do. I have not done my own research and since I have been achy from a hernia I have not been venturing too far out to see if it's around here. I found only one of the smoothies. That he found two is a bit scary. The up side is that they might come in handy for my hernia issues. I have to look for the positives in them:happy:.. By now you must know of @classic33 smoothie history?
I do. I have not done my own research and since I have been achy from a hernia I have not been venturing too far out to see if it's around here. I found only one of the smoothies. That he found two is a bit scary. The up side is that they might come in handy for my hernia issues. I have to look for the positives in them:happy:.. By now you must know of @classic33 smoothie history?
I expect you need to enlighten me. However, he is known for finding out everything on the Cycle Chat forum!
I would ask what have we here but I have asked that before...I am a cheese lover but I don't know. This feels like a ton of cheese. Is there a Marmite smoothie around btw? I am still trying to wrap me head around the Marmite.
It does seem quite a lot to me. But perhaps not if its distributed around the cake. You would only eat a portion of that. Here is what 200g looks like:

Photo on 30-12-2016 at 00.08.jpg
There is a Guinness Forum? I don't remember hearing that before? Is that one you founded?
There's this, from last year
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