Menus to drool over

The Velvet Curtain

Forum GOD!
13 Oct 2012
Local time
8:24 PM
Leicester: Where Britain keeps its crisps
Occasionally restaurant menus get posted on the forum but they tend to be scattered. So how about this as a repository of interesting bills of fayre.

I'll start. The recently new to us The Kings Arms in Rutland, they have their own smokehouse and prepare their own game. We are about to book a stay there.


Home — The Kings Arms in Wing
That menu looks great, TVC, and even though I´m not a big meat eater, home-made bresaola is quite an achievement!
My eternal Monty Python streak, however, could not help but wonder how you make a fallow haunch Vegetarian Bresaola.
Or,incidentally, if there´s a difference between wild halibut and a tame one?:laugh::laugh:
Close to my brother´s place in Kent there´s also a pub called the King´s Arms, Boxley (whatever happened to his legs...) which serves excellent food. The last time I was there, I invited a couple of friends and every, single course was phenomenal, well-prepared, and tasty.
The 'Lobster Coconut Bisque' in Fearing's starter menu looks conspicuously out of place in the whole menu. Not a criticism, just an observation.

I love the 'public notices' at the bottom of The Kings Arms menu, hilarious.

Chef Dean Fearing is hard to nail down. He is a legend among Texas chefs, and well known all over as a chef. His niche is Southwest cuisine, but he doesn't adhere to any rulebook. He does whatever he wants to do... because he can. He has the signature restaurant in one of the best hotels in North America. He can "play with his food."

Chef Dean Fearing is hard to nail down. He is a legend among Texas chefs, and well known all over as a chef. His niche is Southwest cuisine, but he doesn't adhere to any rulebook. He does whatever he wants to do... because he can. He has the signature restaurant in one of the best hotels in North America. He can "play with his food."

I'm familiar with him and his food. I get that rulebook, do what you want mantra, it's just like a mole on your face, you just can't stop looking at it.:D
Our local pub menu although only a few dishes that I would actually drool over.




[Edit: current exchange rate US$1.00 = ฿33.60, £1.00 = ฿45.70]
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Close to my brother´s place in Kent there´s also a pub called the King´s Arms, Boxley (whatever happened to his legs...) which serves excellent food. The last time I was there, I invited a couple of friends and every, single course was phenomenal, well-prepared, and tasty.

I know it well! I used to walk there from where I live. I've not eaten there for several years though. When I did, It was certainly good but not exceptional. It was like good home cooked food.
I love the 'public notices' at the bottom of The Kings Arms menu, hilarious.

As I said above, its right in my neck of the woods. If it weren't for Covid I'd go and try it to see if the food is better than I remember. I used to walk there mainly to sit in their lovely garden and have a few pints.

Which 'public notices'? Didn't spot that.
Probably the remark about the kids.
That's what I assumed. In the UK, children are accepted in pubs to eat and are always welcome in the garden, but landlords reserve to right not to serve the parents if the kids are being little s**ts. Similarly in most pubs dogs are allowed but only on hard flooring and not in carpeted areas for obvious reasons, and must remain calm and quiet. Cats are definitely out.
That's what I assumed. In the UK, children are accepted in pubs to eat and are always welcome in the garden, but landlords reserve to right not to serve the parents if the kids are being little s**ts. Similarly in most pubs dogs are allowed but only on hard flooring and not in carpeted areas for obvious reasons, and must remain calm and quiet. Cats are definitely out.

Sorry - got confused between your King's Arms and the one that karadekoolaid posted about (Kings. Arms, Boxley) which is down here in Kent near me.
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