Millet Cereal


22 Oct 2014
Local time
11:24 AM
I am gluten free, so I do not eat your traditional oatmeal or cream of wheat breakfast cereals, or most of the multi-grain blends as they all contain gluten.

I recently discovered millet and have found it makes a delicious, and very easy to prepare breakfast cereal. All I do is take 1/4 cup of millet and put it in a scant cup of water (estimated with a glass, this is not a science here). I add a little salt and a handful of raisins for sweetness. Just bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer and come back in about 35 minutes and it's ready to eat. You could add any dried fruit you want or top with fruit as you would oatmeal. I just happen to already have raisins on hand right now.

This is a slow cooking cereal, but what I do is put it on first thing when I get up, then take a shower and get dressed, check my email ect. while it's cooking and it's ready when I've finished those things, so I don't notice the long cook time at all.

Millet is a very healthy grain as it is high in fiber and magnesium, which is a mineral most people need more of than they typically get. I really like the flavor too, it's mild and doesn't taste like a health food, so that's a big plus.
Well I am glad to be introduced to this millet cereal, since I wanted to get away from foods that contain gluten. Since I use cereal quite regularly for my breakfast, it would be a good idea to try one that is gluten free. In fact, I only realized recently that cereals like cream of wheat, oatmeal and oat flakes contain gluten and these are the ones I use regularly. Millet sounds like a good alternative to me, although I was surprised at the amount of time it takes to prepare it. The other cereals take only a few minutes.

Yes, I do know that magnesium is a very important mineral to have in the diet, so I may very well try this cereal some time and see how it goes. I cannot remember seeing it on the supermarket shelves though, but I will have to check again.
Yes, it takes a lot of time, but it is pretty on par with steal cut oats in its cook time. The nice thing is I don't have to stir it because it does not stick to the pan easily. Once it boils I just turn it down to a simmer and go about my morning routine and return when it is ready.

I use 1/4 cup millet and 1 cup water, it expands a lot. This is a single serving for me and it's pretty filling. I put milk on top. I think you could cook it in milk if you prefer, but milk will stick to your pan and make washing up take twice as long.
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