Recipe Mushroom Ketchup. ..... ..... ..... My way.


4 Dec 2012
Local time
2:08 PM
Mushroom Ketchup. ..... ..... ..... My way.
3 Kg Mushrooms: I have used a mixture of cheap "reduced to clear" Field and Button Mushrooms from my local Co-op.
1 Litre of Malt Vinegar: I prefer the taste of Malt Vinegar, but you could use White, Wine, Cider, Rice, etc. Vinegar.
425 grams Clear Honey: I came up with this quantity because the Honey I favour to cook & brew with is Asda value Honey which comes in a 425 gram Jar.
6 whole pieces of Star Aniseed.
1 Heaped Teaspoon of ground Mace.
1 Heaped Teaspoon of ground Allspice.
1 Heaped Teaspoon of dried Juniper Berries
1 heaped Teaspoon of ground Cloves.
2 Heaped teaspoons of Ground Sea salt: I have used Fiddes Payne Sea Salt & Seaweed
1 Slack handful of Nutmeg pieces.
A few Bay leaves.
Cornflour; to thicken to the consistency that you prefer.

Coarsely chop the mushrooms in the food processor, add the Vinegar, and half the Salt. Thoroughly mix together in a suitable bowl, cover and stand in the fridge for 24-48 hours. Stir the mixture well everytime you get something else from the fridge.

With the flat blade of a largish knife, crush the: Nutmeg, Star Aniseed, dried Juniper Berries, and add the Bay leaves.

Wrap in a small square of muslin to make a bag.

Place the lot in a large pan with a close fitting lid, and bring to the boil.

Simmer for 45 minutes, turn off the heat, allow to cool for approximately 30 minutes and remove the muslin spice bag. Zap with a blender until smooth. Note; you may need to bring it to the boil again to reduce the volume of liquid. Add cornflour to thicken to the consistency that you prefer, and bottle.

Use as you would a commercial brand of Tomato Ketchup.
How does it taste compared to your regular Heinz style ketchup?
Mushroom Ketchup. ..... ..... ..... My way.
3 Kg Mushrooms: I have used a mixture of cheap "reduced to clear" Field and Button Mushrooms from my local Co-op.

Step One. Throw mushrooms in the bin, and get some proper ketchup... :yuck:

Sorry!:wink: I'm not a fan of the things. Actually, it;s odd, I can totally understand other people liking them, and wish I did, but I don't. You'd think if I wanted to, I could, but no....
Actually this looks really interesting. I was pretty surprised to discover that ketchup wasn't traditionally made with tomatoes originally. It's origins go back way farther and use a lot of different ingredients. If you think mushrooms are weird, oyster and walnut were also used as well:

Mushrooms in particular have glutamic acid, similar to MSG, so they could also be considered a flavor enhancer when used in a condiment like this. The only thing I might find a little off putting would be the color and the texture of it, but I would definitely give it a try.
How does it taste compared to your regular Heinz style ketchup?

I'm curious about the taste, too. I can imagine it tasting good, but I think I would probably just call it a mushroom sauce instead of 'ketchup' because it doesn't really sound like it's going to taste like kethcup. It would delicious on a lot of foods, though!
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