National Burger Day

29 Dec 2014
Local time
11:02 AM
Dallas, Texas
Apparently, here in the US, it is national burger day. I never realized burgers had their own day, but there you have it! That makes my decision for dinner easy, everyone in this house loves a good burger. I saw an episode of Good Eats years ago with Alton Brown. He pan fried a delicious-looking burger. The only thing he added to the ground beef (he used 80/20) was salt, nothing else. That's how we've been making burgers every since we saw that episode. They turn out so juicy! I'm just trying to decide if I'm going to pan fry them in my cast iron skillet or if I'm going to fire up the grill!
The best burger I ever had was in the States. The second best was in Amsterdam. Somehow, I've never been able to replicate either back here in the UK. Maybe its the meat...
I wonder if it gets celebrated here in the Philippines. Anyway, I haven't tried burgers when I went to Malaysia and Singapore. The best burger I tasted in my country is from Burger Projects. It's a restaurant where you "make" your own burger.
I didn't even know about this! I did have beef though, but not a burger. Since I'm gluten free, hamburgers are kind of a treat due to the cost of gluten free buns. I do like them though, but I like it simple. Really high quality beef, grass fed, and just lettuce and tomato, no condiments. If I can get heirloom tomatoes, that's the best. I don't use anything else because I really like to taste the meat and the tomato.
More important thing for a good burger is a good meat. More important thing for a good meat is a good breeding !
Piero from Italy
Wow I'm surprised that there is a day for burgers. I will celebrate it tomorrow even though it's a bit late.
Celebrated by cooking two in-depth Lipton Onion quarter pound burgers on toasted sourdough bread. Of course, I celebrate most often when it comes to burger as a huge slab of meat cooked the right way is exactly what I enjoy.
I add the Lipton Onion mix to my burger mix also, makes great burgers. Mixing ground beef and ground turkey make a very good burger.
Most people would look at as and go, "Eww really?" or "WTF" but, it really does make a tasty burger when you add in eggs, bread crumbs, and other seasonings.

And homefries. It has to be cooked with hand sliced potatoes fried into fries. Mmmmmmm.
This is the first time I've heard of this Burger Day. Our country is not reared on burgers although it is common now in this generation. Last year there was this promo of McDonalds when they gave away free burgers for the first 500 customers in each outlet. Wow, that's a lot of freebies for a giveaway. I was at an outlet by 7 am and you can guess that there was a long line to the counter. To make the story short, I did not get a free burger, hahahaaa.
I'm sad that I didn't know about this ahead of time! I love a good burger and often when I travel I'll research the best burger joints in the town or city I'm going to -- a bit of a burger pilgrimage, I guess you could call it!

I think the best part about burgers is that they can all be so different depending on the type of meat used (or not even meat, veggie burgers are delicious too!), the seasonings, the condiments, the salad ingredients, the cheese, bacon...hmmm you know what I'm craving now!

I just wish they weren't so calorie dense...the yummiest things always seem to be that way, though!
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