National Cereal Day - 7 March!


14 Apr 2015
Local time
1:45 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
Did you know the 7th of March was National Cereal Day in the States?

Do you have a favorite cereal? Do you eat cereal for any other meals other than breakfast?

When I was a kid I loved Froot Loops (not the healthiest...all those artificial colors and sugar can't be good for a person!) but these days I really tend to stick to muesli or granola. I quite like this brand of quinoa flakes that they have locally too - they're kind of like bran flakes in appearance but they're made from quinoa!

And when I was living alone in my early 20's I'd often just have cereal for dinner because I was too lazy to dirty a bunch of pots and pans cooking for myself! Shameful, I know!
Well I have never heard about National Cereal Day before. Do you get to buy cereals at a more affordable price on this day? What is the real significance of the day?

Years ago, my favourite cereal used to be Raisin Bran followed by Cornflakes. However, these days I usually go for cereals like oatmeal, oat flakes and cream of wheat. I believe these are healthier choices. I mainly eat cereals for breakfast these days. However, when I was more into using the other dry cereals as mentioned above, I would sometimes use them at supper time.
Well, I never! Never even knew this was a thing. Why cereal specifically though. After some research, apparently nobody knows who started this holiday. Interesting little tidbit of information i can never use again. Haha. makes for a conversation piece I guess.
This is the first time that I had heard of this National Cereal Day. In my home country and in the country where I migrated we do not have this kind of thing to celebrate. How do the people in the United States celebrate this kind of occasion?
I guess I missed this day. There seems to be a day for just about anything. I've heard of this one before and would surely have had some cereal to be in on the action. I am guessing this has nothing to do with any Pagan God? I think I need a national day. How does it all get started?

To answer the question I can't remember my most recent favourite. I usually have to describe the box anyway. Long and short of it is that I don't have cereal that often and all of a sudden I am drawing a blank trying to remember which cereal I do eat.
I heard them mention this on the radio yesterday. I was thinking about it. One of my favorite cereals, I quit eating because it is high in carbs and fat, and I am not sure they make it anymore is Crackling Bran. Cereals have gone up a lot in price, so at this point in time, unless it is something found in generic, or is a special deal I don't buy it. I like Frosted Mini Wheats, as it can usually be found in generic.
My kids would be happy about a national cereal day, but I won't be telling them about it. I wish I had never bought them cereal. Now that I know how awful it is for you I feel like a terrible parent for being lazy and getting it for so many years. I no longer buy it. It took months to wean my oldest daughter off it and get her to eat real food in the morning. I do let them occasionally buy a box with their own money, but that is not very often.
I think I need a national day.

Well as you may well know, today is International Women's Day, so it is our day to celebrate. I am not sure what women are doing to celebrate it though. As you said, there seems to be a national day for everything on the planet.
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