Recipe Norfolk Plough Pudding: a traditional Norfolk recipe.


4 Dec 2012
Local time
12:26 PM
Norfolk Plough pudding is an old Norfolk recipe that is traditionally prepared and eaten on Plough Monday: the first Monday after Epiphany or twelfth night. Here in Norfolk, Plough Monday marks and heralds the beginning of ploughing for spring sown crops.

It is a simple, but rather tasty and filling recipe, and I do advise that you adapt the quantities for the amount of servings required.... there is only two of us so we prepared appropriate amounts of ingredients.

For four servings (we halved these for us):
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons vegetable suet
1/2 lb pork sausage (we minced a single Pork belly slice and some diced Pork)
4 slices bacon, chopped
1/2 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
3 sage leaves, cut into narrow strips
1 teaspoon brown sugar
Grease a suitably sized pudding basin and set aside.

For the crust: measure the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and stir to combine. Add the suet and rub together until mixture resembles coarse sand. Add enough cold water for the dough to come together. Take out 2/3 of the dough and roll out on a lightly floured surface until 1/8-inch thick. Use this dough to line the pudding basin, pressing dough into the curves of the basin, filling any gaps using cold water and extra dough. Trim the dough flush with top of basin, and set the remaining dough aside for the lid.

For the filling: use the sausage meat to line the inside of the basin, pressing it into the dough. Try to get an even thickness on the sides and bottom.

Next, combine the bacon, onion, sage and brown sugar. Add this mixture into the pudding basin, pressing firmly down to get the filling to line up with top of basin.

Next, roll out the remaining dough to 1/8-inch thickness and place on top of the pudding basin. Trim and press edges firmly together, using a little cold water to seal them.

Finally, cover the basin with aluminium foil and steam for 2 hours (we only steamed our little two serving pudding for 1 hour). Don't forget to check the water level and top it up with boiling water from the kettle if necessary.

Our Norfolk Plough Pudding for two, cooked and turned out of the pudding bowl:
A slice cut out and ready to serve:
Served with some steamed new potatoes, steamed parsnip and steamed carrots, and ready to eat (the vegetables were steamed in separate sections over the pudding for the final 20 minutes of its cooking time):
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