Norwich Chocolate Festival (12/13th September)

I often go up to East Anglia and sometimes Norwich - but I'm not going at tat time. Not that I'm a chocolate fan - but I always like a food festival! Norwich has a great food market and a Mustard Shop and Museum of Coleman's mustard which I visited not long ago.
I often go up to East Anglia and sometimes Norwich - but I'm not going at tat time. Not that I'm a chocolate fan - but I always like a food festival! Norwich has a great food market and a Mustard Shop and Museum of Coleman's mustard which I visited not long ago.
Hence your own mustard supply!
I am not a huge chocolate fan but I have attended the Chocolate Festival which is held about an hour drive from here.
It was really quite interesting the things that they could make with chocolate or things they could dip in chocolate.
I tried a few things. I did like the smell in the air with all that chocolate though. They even served Choctails in the evening!
I've seen one chocolate festival. It was in Turin, in one of the two big piazzas there (can't recall which one). I'm not that keen on chocolate, though I don't mind a little bit of a bitter, dark one. The festival I saw was pretty big, with stalls all the way around the square. It was hard, though, to escape the conclusion that there were going to be a few people feeling a little queasy after a while.
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