Nuts and Chipping of Teeth.


22 Jan 2015
Local time
8:33 AM
NW Pennsylvania, Erie Region
It's a notorious link; most people who love to chew any type of assorted nuts in large amounts usually damage their teeth. I think it's not because the nut is hard, but they just disregard how they should chomp them apart, or break them up. Whatever the case may be, I know I've already chipped four teeth because I have a slight addiction the mixed variety of nuts.

Have you guys ever chipped your teeth eating hard nuts or similar? Even soft ones...
I haven't personally broken a tooth or chipped it eating nuts, although I do get sore gums from all the chomping! They do get very addictive.
I know of a couple of people who have chipped teeth from grinding up cashew nuts with their teeth in large quantities and at a fast pace.
we get pan de higo's ,a Spanish fig cake to have with cheese,i was able to dodge the nuts but there was a stone the size of a marble i managed to chomp down on,so close to cracking a crown
Sometimes too, that the harder foods (nuts, etc) don't chip your teeth, it's the softer ones (block cheeses) that have a higher probability of breaking them open. Regardless, I guess it all comes to hygiene (taking care of those chompers!) and how fast you munch down. Obviously faster people are going to have more issues.
I take a lot of pride in my teeth and would be totally upset if I were to break one eating something like nuts or other hard food. I suppose you could always go to the dentist and get the tooth repaired, but I still am careful when chewing. I used to break nut shells with my teeth, but do not do that anymore.
I've got a mouth full of veneers so I tend not to bother with nuts. Toffees, caramels and boiled sweets are also off the list.
I used to buy store brand museli, 1 day I heard a crack, just thought it was a nut, later whilst brushing my teeth some of a tooth fell into the sink. Oops... ok my took was a bit jagged but no big deal. A few days later I started to get really bad tooth ache and had to relent and see a dentist. I had an infection so had to have the remainder of my tooth removed, a lot of money and pain so I am now very careful about what I bite into :cry:
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