Nuts: how many are too many?


2 Apr 2015
Local time
7:19 PM
I appreciate that nuts in general are pretty good for you. But I read somewhere that you should only have a certain amount of nuts without the calorific / fat level having a negative impact.

I'm guessing it varies from nut to nut - I think peanuts and cashew are two of the bigger offenders.

But how many are really deemed to be "too many"?
Do you have a link to where you read this? I used to live on the road and consume vast quantities of them (and I mean a lot) and never had any issues.
I still do consume a reasonable amount of them especially cashew nuts

PS - peanuts are not nuts.
Do you have a link to where you read this? I used to live on the road and consume vast quantities of them (and I mean a lot) and never had any issues.
I still do consume a reasonable amount of them especially cashew nuts

PS - peanuts are not nuts.

I can't remember where I saw it, I'm afraid. I'm pretty sure someone posted a page on Facebook that provided a breakdown, which said something about eating around 22 cashews was the optimum amount. Something like that. I wish I could remember more but I think macadamias were the biggest offenders, with peanuts (grouped in with nuts) was high up there.
Aha - found it! I'm guessing the data sources are reasonably reputable. The overall page is pretty useful in general on foodstuffs, but for the nut story in particular go down to #16.
Whilst it is interesting (and it is interesting and helpful to know, just the same as 5 dried dates or apricots are roughly 100 calories) the poster is not saying too many nuts are bad for you (as you imply in the title or your text further on), it is simply saying this is how many of this type of nut is roughly 200 calories, to help people understand portion control better and there is nothing wrong with eating more than that if you have a balanced diet or need the extra calories.

Cashews are one of my favourite, and it is good to know I can munch my way through 62 pistachios and only eat 200 calories... not sure if this one :chocegg:or this one :popcorn: is more appropriate .... :laugh:
I love pistachios and could probably munch through more than 100 of them before I started to feel satisfied. I love almost all nuts, but can't eat them in large quanitites because all the crunching starts to hurt my teeth and jaw after a while. I would hate to lose teeth by eating so many.
I think it would depend on your diet as a whole and your activity level. I work a fairly active job, cycle everywhere and dance four times a week, so I eat a fairly high fat diet compared to some people, but I avoid bad fats. For me, I need the fat to burn, so it's not a problem, it's a fuel source for my activities. I think it's best to eat a variety of nuts if you eat lots of them. I tend to eat a few walnuts and a few hazelnuts, but almonds are often too hard for me and cachews always upset my stomach.

I know peanuts are not a nut, but I do consider natural peanut butter to be a healthy food for active people.
No matter how you love nuts, there always have a moment that you could eat it any more. 'Too many' is not a problem for me.
A handful at a time is alright, if you ask me. It really depends on your goals. Do you want to lose some weight or bulk up? Either way, nuts are pretty darn good for you, as long as they're not salted or sweetened. Generally, I would just find out the calories/100g for specific nuts I'm eating and then draw my conclusions on how much I should be eating (depending on what I'm trying to achieve at that time). But the most simple rule - as with everything - use moderation and your common sense.
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