Oil or Butter When Cooking Eggs?


11 Sep 2013
Local time
8:05 AM
I love cooking eggs all sorts of ways, and I've almost always used butter to cook them. My grandparents always used to cook their eggs in olive oil instead - which is nice too, I love the smell of it. However when I am making omelettes, I try to get the eggs to set without browning them - which is difficult when you are cooking with butter as it tends to brown. I've started using a garlic infused olive oil instead and they are coming out wonderfully now. Which do you prefer to use?
Until I became allergic to dairy, scrambled eggs were called buttered eggs and were cooked in as much butter as you dared. Served on dry toast because as the scrambled eggs cooled they released the butter onto to the toast. ready about the recipe in Swallows and Amazons, I think it was (defintely one of the Arthur Ransome books) and tried it. Excellent and completely changes the taste. Heat the butter until really hot, add the eggs quickly and stir like mad over a hot heat... takes about 2 mins to cook them if the temperature is correct - serve immediately (and not very often!)

Now it has to be oil unfortuantly.
Definitely butter. I've never tried it with oil though, so it could be that I'm missing out on something amazing,.
I prefer to use olive oil because l find that butter makes my scrambled eggs very buttery and soft and l like my eggs well scrambled, olive oil tastes a lot better for me.
I think butter makes it taste better. However, butter burns faster than oil so it is important to watch the temperature. I think when I use oil it is easy for the eggs to taste oily. I do use the olive oil cooking spray. It keeps the calories down and there is absolutely no sticking no matter what kind of eggs you are cooking.
It depends on the recipe, I guess. For plain sunny side up or even scrambled eggs, I use oil. But for omelettes which need more fluff and creaminess, I use butter. Sometimes, you can start off with oil and THEN add some butter. It's all personal preference I think.
I use butter to cook eggs. Olive oil sounds interesting, though -- maybe I'll give that a try.
Well, I used to use butter because I'm addicted to the flavor. But since I got engaged to a guy who gains weight easily, he insists on using oil instead. I'm not sure if this is less fattening. Maybe it depends on the type of oil.
Well, I used to use butter because I'm addicted to the flavor. But since I got engaged to a guy who gains weight easily, he insists on using oil instead. I'm not sure if this is less fattening. Maybe it depends on the type of oil.
Oil is better in that regard. However what you use with your eggs really doesn't have a big effect on gaining weight, unless you use insane amounts of butter and eat eggs regularly.
I use both butter and oil for cooking eggs depending what kind of dish I will cook for the eggs. Both had their own useful way and taste in cooking eggs and I had tried it many times in my cooking.
Olive oil when I'm frying eggs or making omelettes, and I tend to add milk to scrambled eggs rather than butter or oil. It's the way my mother used to do it, and everyone says I make great scrambled eggs.
I have always made them in butter, but my boyfriend likes them in oil! It is challenging and we have to make our food separately, which can be annoying when we're both in a hurry in the morning. I just prefer the idea of butter I guess. I also don't like the oil smell.
I love cooking eggs all sorts of ways, and I've almost always used butter to cook them. My grandparents always used to cook their eggs in olive oil instead - which is nice too, I love the smell of it. However when I am making omelettes, I try to get the eggs to set without browning them - which is difficult when you are cooking with butter as it tends to brown. I've started using a garlic infused olive oil instead and they are coming out wonderfully now. Which do you prefer to use?

These days I do not use much butter when cooking -- for dietary reasons only. When I cook, especially eggs (fried, scrambled, etc.), I use a canola oil spray that works well! It also helps if you have non-stick skillet.
Funnily enough, although I'm allergic to eggs, growing up I loved preparing omelets every Sunday for my family. I've always used oil, either canola oil, peanut oil or olive oil. Strangely, I've never experimented with butter as my family always raved about my omelets and so I didn't want to take a risk and change any ingredients ha ha.
I'd say sunflower oil but just enough to literally just wet the bottom of pan and cover it, do 1 egg then add just a touch more oil and do another egg, preferably in a non-stick frying pan, if the egg sticks then there's not enough oil in the pan.
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