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Old Cooking Utensils You still Use

I just remembered I have an enormous cast iron frying pan.
Dates way, way back in the family for cooking over a campfire.
Break your wrist if you don’t use at least two hands to lift it.

My wife wants it out of the kitchen so it quietly works it’s way back out to our storage shed.
I really like using it.
Wife thinks it’s over the top ridiculous.
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I still use this old cast iron Dutch oven for making soups & stews
I've got a stainless/melamine big spoon my mom had, used to have the matching meat fork, but the handle broke. Also have 1 of her old Corning ware pieces and a handmade pottery casserole that has a sitting Mallard duck as the top. I also have a French round casserole that has hand painted wild flowers in beautiful bright colors on it that I bought around 35 years ago. Our stainless steel French mandolin is over 25 years old, we bought that after we got together. That thing was our first big purchase as a couple. It was around $200 at the time. Before anybody has a heart attack, the internet was not in common use (not even sure it was a thing then honestly), mandolins were nearly unheard of at the time in this country, especially for homecooks, and it's commercial kitchen quality. First one either one of had seen and we came across it quite serendipitously in a little kitchen gadget store that had all kinds of interesting gadgets. BTW, Craig is no longer allowed to use it because he has cut himself badly a couple of times. Getting distracted watching football is NOT a good thing when using a mandolin!
It was around $200 at the time. Before anybody has a heart attack, the internet was not in common use (not even sure it was a thing then honestly), mandolins were nearly unheard of at the time in this country, especially for homecooks, and it's commercial kitchen quality.

That is a lot to pay and would have been even more relatively speaking in those days - but if its still in use 25 years later,' then you got your money's worth. Talking of the internet I was most definitely using it 25 years ago and before. But that was in the days when Amazon only sold books. Although, I was probably one of the first to use on-line supermarket shopping, when Tesco's launched it in 1996.
That is a lot to pay and would have been even more relatively speaking in those days - but if its still in use 25 years later,' then you got your money's worth. Talking of the internet I was most definitely using it 25 years ago and before. But that was in the days when Amazon only sold books. Although, I was probably one of the first to use on-line supermarket shopping, when Tesco's launched it in 1996.

Actually, after thinking about it, it wasn't long after Food Network launched, which was in 1993, and we had seen one in use on 1 of the shows, probably Taste, as we both really liked that show with David Rosengarten. Taste, by him, was also the first expensive cookbook we bought.
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Carltonware or Carlton ware, it's spelled both ways. There are several pieces on eBay and etsy for sale in the the leaf dish style. There is a cute egg/oyster dish for sale in the UK.
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