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Old Cooking Utensils You still Use

Carltonware or Carlton ware, it's spelled both ways. There are several pieces on eBay and etsy for sale in the the leaf dish style. There is a cute egg/oyster dish for sale in the UK.
Definitely would like to get a few of the Carlton dishes I googled. Thank you for the manufacturer name 👍
I've got a stainless/melamine big spoon my mom had, used to have the matching meat fork, but the handle broke. Also have 1 of her old Corning ware pieces and a handmade pottery casserole that has a sitting Mallard duck as the top. I also have a French round casserole that has hand painted wild flowers in beautiful bright colors on it that I bought around 35 years ago. Our stainless steel French mandolin is over 25 years old, we bought that after we got together. That thing was our first big purchase as a couple. It was around $200 at the time. Before anybody has a heart attack, the internet was not in common use (not even sure it was a thing then honestly), mandolins were nearly unheard of at the time in this country, especially for homecooks, and it's commercial kitchen quality. First one either one of had seen and we came across it quite serendipitously in a little kitchen gadget store that had all kinds of interesting gadgets. BTW, Craig is no longer allowed to use it because he has cut himself badly a couple of times. Getting distracted watching football is NOT a good thing when using a mandolin!

Craig is wise, it's the only reason I've never bought one, or even entertained the thought of buying one. I've grated my fingers enough to tempt fate.

Oh, the cuts were WAY worse than a grated knuckle, think flaps of tissue and lots and lots and lots of blood.

I have visions of me doing that, exactly why I won't get one. I don't even grate within an inch of the grater. And I'm very careful grating, even cheese. Usually wrap my hand in a towel for clean grip. Havnt grated my hand in years now.

I have a Borner mandoline, Swiss or German or something, very simple, streamlined design.

I use it, but never, ever, ever without the guard, even though it feels clunky, and even then, when I'm cutting that last slice, I get a wooden skewer to free the last piece from the blades if I need to.

I do also have an Epiphone mandolin, but that's a whole 'nother way to hurt your fingers. 😊 🎶
I have visions of me doing that, exactly why I won't get one. I don't even grate within an inch of the grater. And I'm very careful grating, even cheese. Usually wrap my hand in a towel for clean grip. Havnt grated my hand in years now.

I use it, but never, ever, ever without the guard, even though it feels clunky, and even then, when I'm cutting that last slice, I get a wooden skewer to free the last piece from the blades if I need to.

I use a mandolin a lot but almost always with a guard. The exception is when starting off slicing something large like a potato - I start minus the guard and the apply the guard when it gets smaller. Been using a mandolin for decades and I've never cut myself. Its not really possible to cut yourself if you use the guard - and as you say, TastyReuben, use something other than fingers if pieces get trapped.
I find the guard to be annoying, which is why I quit using it. I've only cut myself once, and now I've probably jinxed myself, and that was because I got distracted and wasn't focusing on the mandolin. Learned that lesson, never again.
I've never cut myself while using a knife or a mandoline, but I have while washing them or otherwise handling them.
I've cut myself once using the ,mandolin & while using the food processor! Those blade are wicked sharp & if you're not careful, they can give you a nasty cut!!:stop::ninja:
I like Backbay 's pieces so much decided to get some. This came today and also got 4 little "lettuce" plates to go with.

First words out of Craig's mouth were "a crawfish?". They actually do look more like a crawfish than a Maine lobster given the lack of antennae.

I like Backbay 's pieces so much decided to get some. This came today and also got 4 little "lettuce" plates to go with.

First words out of Craig's mouth were "a crawfish?". They actually do look more like a crawfish than a Maine lobster given the lack of antennae.

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That's cool you were able to get some. That Craig is an observant guy 😁 If you don't mind my asking, Who was the manufacturer of the dishes?
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