Oldies but Goodies


Über Member
6 Oct 2018
Local time
11:55 AM
Ohio, USA
Cleaning cupboards this morning.. found these treasures - lots of life’s memories :) mods feel free to move if not the right place

Inside front cover

Table if contents
I have/had a similar set in an index card size metal bos from Land of Lakes (butter) currently not sure of its whereabouts but, I do remember a recipe for baked apples - core the apples, leave skins on and put in a baking dish , cover with a cup or more of granulated sugar, dot with a stick of butter and bake at 350 till apples are soft. Remove from oven and mix in half cup of heavy cream - serve an apple in a dessert bowl with ample sugar/butter/cream sauce.. ooooo so good but, ooo so bad for the diet! 😃😎😝
I have that same box with the cards. Mines at least 30 years old. The chicken croquette mixed with the Dutch recipe is amazing. I use it all the time.

If I remember correctly, I picked mine up around 1977 or maybe a couple years later. I will have to look up the chicken croquette recipe. Have to admit haven't used any of the recipes in the box in many years - time to dust it off.
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