olive oil?


20 Jun 2014
Local time
10:20 AM
hi all, I'm a new user.

I wanted to ask in your opinion what is the right amount of olive oil per day.

How much oil use you? Extra virgin? organic?

you trust in olive oil after the articles in the NY times?

I have heard that Olive Oil is the healthiest fat you can consume. There are many benefits that come with digesting just a tablespoon of olive oil a day.

1. It is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin e, which can reduce cancer risks.
2. It can lower blood pressure, as well as cholesterol that leads to clogged arteries and heart disease.
3. It can help moisturize your skin
4. It contains monounsaturated fats, which lower the risk of diabetes.

Those are the main benefits I know of. You can also take olive oil in pill form if you don't like the taste of it, which I don't.
I love cooking with olive oil and have a variety of them in the kitchen for whatever I might be cooking. Since I have been using it I have noticed a big difference in my cooking - the taste of it.
hi all, I'm a new user.

I wanted to ask in your opinion what is the right amount of olive oil per day.

How much oil use you? Extra virgin? organic?

you trust in olive oil after the articles in the NY times?


I think the one thing you have to remember with all oils is that there are a lot of calories in them, so everything is in moderation.
All oil typically has 120 calories per tablespoon/15ml and that is a lot of calories to be adding into any diet.
Using the UK's Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for a woman (2,000 calories). 1 tablespoon of oil a day exceeds 5% of the RDA.
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