Recipe Onion rings


30 Dec 2014
Local time
2:58 AM
It feels slightly wrong to put a recipe for deep-fried onion rings in a vegetable forum!

Anyhow, I love then and tried making my own at the weekend. I couldn't believe how well they turned out and how cheap they were to make so I thought I'd share.

150 g self raising flour
180 ml sparkling water or beer
2-3 good sized onions

Pre-heat fryer to 180 degrees. Whisk together flour and liquid. Slice onions into rings. Dunk in batter and drop in fryer for 3-4 minutes. All done!

I will never be buying the frozen type again.
basically the same batter as i use for but i use a splash of vinegar to keep batter crisp, and i pass the onion through seasoned flour before the batter as it ensures the batter sticks
Onion rings are one of my favorite deep fried snacks and I just had some on Saturday. They are very inexpensive to make and taste great with grilled foods. Just about everything tastes good deep fried, but I really like deep fried veggies because I can justify consuming them since they are veggies!
@Berties great idea, I'll be trying that out next time.
@SatNavSaysStraightOn mmm,onion bhajis! I've never had a fryer before so I'm still discovering all the things I can cook in it.
@Rosyrain I like the thought that my onion rings are a legitimate part of my "5-a-day" : )
Is there a dipping sauce to complement the onion rings?? You're making my mouth water and dinnertime's not for another hour or so!
Do you have to use beer as the liquid? I don't drink beer and would not have any around this does sound good. I like onion rings, don't have them very often, we have purchased the frozen ones and the ones you get at the restaurant.
Is there a dipping sauce to complement the onion rings?? You're making my mouth water and dinnertime's not for another hour or so!

I really never use a dipping sauce with my onion rings as I think they taste wonderful the way they are. I suppose you could use ketchup or BBQ sauce to dip them in if you wanted a dipping sauce.
Do you have to use beer as the liquid? I don't drink beer and would not have any around this does sound good. I like onion rings, don't have them very often, we have purchased the frozen ones and the ones you get at the restaurant.
Cold water is as good a liquid as any,in tempura batter I use soda water,fresh batter to me is a must
Well easy and simple is my second name. I love onions rings and I mostly have them if I travel. I can't say I've ever had any locally although I am sure they must be around here somewhere. As for the frozen ones someone mentioned, I've never seen them. All in all it sounds like a recipe that can't go wrong so I'll try it for sure.
Do you have to use beer as the liquid? I don't drink beer and would not have any around this does sound good. I like onion rings, don't have them very often, we have purchased the frozen ones and the ones you get at the restaurant.

No, you don't need beer at all. Cold water is absolutely fine. The bubbles in the beer produce a lighter batter though so whilst plain tap water is absolutely fine, sparking mineral water would give an even bettre result. But beer certainly isn't necessary.
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