Our partners are so lucky


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
10:36 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
So I was listening to the local radio station the other day, ( wife was getting groceries) and the host asked listeners to ring in and answer: who is the one person you would like to let in your bubble during lockdown.
The answer was like 80% a chef. People just wanted good food from someone that could cook. It got me thinking that everyone here are good cooks. Aren't our family so lucky to have us. I know we talked about it last night, mr7 said its like real good food every night, he loves southern fried chicken, burgers, nachos and those type of foods. And he's getting all his faves.
Do your partners appreciate how good we are??

My husband loves my cooking, he says his ex wife never cooked for him so he lived on ready meals for years because she didn't allow him to cook for himself either.
She just ate the same things the children ate, which was mash every day with sometimes fries for variety because they are autistic and want nothing else. My husband therefore loathes mashed potatoes, though I manage to make some he likes.

The children eat the same foods here as they do at their moms, mashed potato with veg and hotdogs, fries with chicken nuggets and sometimes pancakes. Incredibly dull but they refuse any other meals. And at 17 and 20, their preferences arent easy to change.

My husband adores Asian food and basically anything I make because all the spices and flavors are a whole new world for him.
I come from culture that it is wife an mother duty to feed her family. I do no find results of survey to be surprise as I think there been big shift over recent time for fast an convenient from good home made meal. If no come in box with microwave instruction they no know what to do. I agree our family are fortunate to have us, many time my Bambini bring home friends an friends say I wish you mama was mine. When I marry Ray food in UK was I sorry say boring this as all know 40 year ago, then slowly, slowly thing change, chefs on TV, ristorante off different culture appear every high street. People start explore new tastes, Ray mama say to me you lucky to cook so well, I answer odd but more I practice more lucky I get!
Ray love what I make for family, some time we go eat out an he often say hmm it good but no as good as way you make. I think I say before I feel for those who can not cook they must find this time very hard, this is no their fault, some time I think fault of TV advert new one is for Pot Noodle, it say no cook eat Pot Noddle an live more! I think get more goodness by licking stamp.
Again this why I believe great site like this even more important now.

Sarana x
MrsTasty did once send me a meme that outlined my various skills as a husband. Two were, "He cooks, he cleans, and he..." - but I'll just leave you all to fill in that last one. :whistling:
MrsTasty did once send me a meme that outlined my various skills as a husband. Two were, "He cooks, he cleans, and he..." - but I'll just leave you all to fill in that last one. :whistling:
You good catch Reuben, when I meet Ray poor man could no boil egg!! He learn over years but he still have issue to clean after make food, I love him but he is difficult some time. What make me smile is if he make some thing for me I sit with G+T in family room listen to music an He ask so many time Bella how I do this or that?? Some time Reuben is easier if I make my self.
Ray only cook if I feel bad with MS but what he make usually good, just kitchen disaster zone!! .
He made a lemon tart one time, I hate admit it better than one I do :eek: I never tell him this, kitchen my domain. I think it lovely thing when a man make food for their wife / partner for me show love.

Sarana x
You good catch Reuben,
Thank you, and I know you are as well!

Over the years, I've taken a lot of stick over the fact that I'm much more inclined to handle the domestic chores and my wife has been more apt to focus on her job. I work as well, but the first several years of our marriage, she made more money than me and was a lot more ambitious, career-wise, than I've ever been.

Like a lot of people, I come from a culture of "men make money, women make supper," and the amount of not-so-good-natured criticism both MrsTasty and I have withstood is mind-boggling to me.

Doesn't matter, though. What matters is "every lid for every pot," so to speak. It's all about how you match up with your partner.
G does appreciate my cooking, especially since I have retired.
He appreciates the use of fresh veggies and herbs instead of canned, frozen or dried. He loves cheese but would eat pre sliced or shredded
He actually thought Velveeta was real cheese. He loves my sauces, gravies and salad dressing. He loves anything in a Piccata sauce
G does what I call camp cooking. At his hunting camp he makes a venison stew. The meat is boiled in water. He can't wrap his head around why mine is so much better. I braise the meat in wine and stock or broth and reduce the liquid.
His go to is seasoning mixes and a few dried herbs. I do my own seasoning so I can control the amount of each ingredient. During the growing season my herbs are fresh and I dry my own .
He appreciates the difference in the flavor.
You can tell he appreciates my cooking. He has put on a considerable amount of weight in the past 2 months. 🙄
Thank you, and I know you are as well!

Over the years, I've taken a lot of stick over the fact that I'm much more inclined to handle the domestic chores and my wife has been more apt to focus on her job. I work as well, but the first several years of our marriage, she made more money than me and was a lot more ambitious, career-wise, than I've ever been.

Like a lot of people, I come from a culture of "men make money, women make supper," and the amount of not-so-good-natured criticism both MrsTasty and I have withstood is mind-boggling to me.

Doesn't matter, though. What matters is "every lid for every pot," so to speak. It's all about how you match up with your partner.
Couldn't agree more - different strokes for different folks! Be happy 😆😆
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