Parmesan Cheese


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
8:20 PM
Leicester UK
Last year a supplier gave a big block of parmesan cheese to the materials manager who put it in the Company raffle. The guy who won it sold it for £10.00 and pocketed the money much to the annoyance of a few people who felt he should have given it back to add to the collection for the chosen charity. A couple of days ago another turned up so it was decided by the materials manager and assistant accountant that it should be cut up and shared between everyone in the office so this evening we bought it home and cut it up to take in tomorrow to share around. It looked and smelt amazing.


Wow! Fantastic freebie. So how do you intend to use it?:hungry:

We have taken the smallest piece and put in the freezer for now as we don't want to use it just yet. Obviously some has to be grated onto pasta, shavings onto salad, a little in a cheese sauce..... to name but a few ideas.
Yeah Parmesan is a versatile cheese and can be used in many different ways. Also, the cost of big blocks of cheese has gone out the least here. For a large wedge of parm like that you would probably pay about 10 bucks. Specialty cheeses can be even more money.
Oh I love parmesan cheese and you are so lucky that your work crew got a whole wedge of it for free. I would not mind having a chunk of my own. I normally buy it pre shredded in the deli section as my fine grater broke recently and I have yet to get a replacement.
We buy a lot of stuff from the particular supplier which puts a lot of money their way.
Yeah Parmesan is a versatile cheese and can be used in many different ways. Also, the cost of big blocks of cheese has gone out the least here. For a large wedge of parm like that you would probably pay about 10 bucks. Specialty cheeses can be even more money.

Not sure what 10 bucks is in British pounds but that block would have cost about £50.00.
Love love love parmesan! There's a cute little Italian restaurant near us here in Japan where they bring the food to your table and literally scrape parmesan onto your dish if you want it from a giant wheel of cheese. I love it for the theatrical aspect of it!!
My favorite memory of Parmesan cheese was working in a kitchen with an old Ukrainian lady. She was showing me how she was taught to make certain foods. She had showed me how to make cabbage rolls, and some of her own comfort foods. Then she secretly admit that she adores cheese and loves to use parmesan cheese to make crisps, which she then eats with a big bowl of mashed potato's and sweet potato's. This lady was like a grandmother to me!
Time for a grilled cheese sandwich. Take 2 or 3 different types of cheese and grill them between two slices of thick country bread add a salad and you have a meal.
Oh my!

Parmesan is one of my favourite cheeses!
We usually buy cheaper polish sharp cheese from the dairy shop and use that while cooking, but I know that the real Parmesan tastes the best!
Fresh Parmesan is the stuff. It tastes like a completely different food than that grated stuff in the canister at grocery stores.

I enjoy cooking with shredded Parmesan. It goes so well with many different foods.
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