Recipe Parsnip and apple soup


23 Apr 2015
Local time
9:30 AM
Fife, Scotland
Let's add to the parsnip soup collection. This one is, I think, quite interesting. Normally, a vegetable and fruit soup would take its sweetness from the fruit. Here, however, the fruit provides sharpness and the vegetable the sweetness.

Butter/marg, etc. (25g)
1 onion
2 parsnips
1 cooking apple
Vegetable stock 600 ml (or you can simply use water)
Milk 500 ml

Chop vegetables and apple, then saute these with the butter. Add stock/water and, if desired, some mixed herbs and/or parsley. Simmer for around 20 minutes and add the milk. The resulting mixture cazn be blended if you want a creamy soup or left as it is if you like chunky bits.
This is different. Have you tried this?If so did you have it creamy or chunky. I am not sure which one I would prefer. It is rather simple to make. I might just give it a try.
Great winter soup I have done it also with pear and garnish the soup with ham gnocchi
This is different. Have you tried this?If so did you have it creamy or chunky. I am not sure which one I would prefer. It is rather simple to make. I might just give it a try.

While I still have (some) teeth, I will always go for the chunky option. I like bits you can chew on.
That sounds like it would be really good. I like unusual foods and this might be something that fits the bill. I will be looking for this when I am looking for an unusual soup to make. I would have to look as to whether the stores around here even sell parsnips though. I might have to go to a larger one. I guess they do, but I might not have specifically looked for them, so I am not sure about that. If it isn't something mainstream, our stupid stores in this area won't carry it.
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