Recipe pasta cheese ham.

15 May 2014
Local time
9:49 AM
Classic recipe.

pasta of your choice.

cook pasta. Either melt cheese Into the pasta, then add ham or put cheese on top of pasta and place under the grill until the cheese is melted, then sprnkle ham strips on top.

delicious but simple meal that can be made anytime.
This is simple and easy enough and a great meal to prepare when you have little time to cook a big meal. One can never go wrong with any type of ham and cheese combination.
You can never beat simple for me and this is simple enough. I think Classic 33 is catching on in that department as well. Now I will have to find some simple ham recipes before the challenge ends.
You can never go wrong with food like this. Cheap, simple, easy to make and best of all you can add whatever you like to it to jazz it up or just keep it plain and simple.
Classic recipe.

pasta of your choice.

cook pasta. Either melt cheese Into the pasta, then add ham or put cheese on top of pasta and place under the grill until the cheese is melted, then sprnkle ham strips on top.

delicious but simple meal that can be made anytime.
That sounds like a quick and good meal. I love cheese and ham, so to make it with pasta, sounds like an idea. A complete meal that is quick and easy and good.
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That sounds like a quick and good meal. I love cheese and ham, so to make it with pasta, sounds like an idea. A complete meal that is quick and easy and good.

The best thing with recipes like this is, you can add whatever you like. Ham, pepperoni, sausages, chicken, whatever.
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