Recipe Pasta Salad


14 Nov 2013
Local time
9:03 PM
When we have cookouts or family get togethers I like to make this simple and easy dish. It is simple to make and gets rave reviews each time I make it for my family and friends.

Tri-color pasta cooked and drained. After draining the hot water I dunk it in cold water and drain a second time.
Italian salad dressing (You could use bottle or homemade dressing)
Cherry tomatoes cut in half
Green pepper diced
Cucumber diced
Black olives halved
Stuffed green olives left whole

I mix all of these ingredients together and chill before serving. The colors really pop and make this dish very appealing to the eye.

How do you fix your Pasta Salad.
I love the way tricolor past looks like, but I'm always afraid to cook it because I'm never sure about the salad dressing, fearing an unpleasant looking of the pasta with certain vegetables.

Perhaps I have been too pesky comparing home color decor with cooking mix, seeing for combining tones, when food can be multicolored :)
This sounds similar to my pasta salad. But I add some feta cheese to give it more of a Greek kick. I add all veggies you stated plus: salad shrimp, chopped broccoli and cauliflower. I too use Italian dressing but I add a small splash of vinegar.
@MyDigitalpoint Yep, loosen up a bit and try the tri-color pasta with some veggies. You will be amazed at how pleasant it looks.
@PSLoveCharli Wow you add lots to yours. I have thought about the chopped broccoli before but never added it. My hubby had his gall bladder removed a few years ago and broccoli is something he cannot eat. :( I could get away with the cauliflower though. Thanks for the inspiration.
I absolutely love pasta salad! The tri-colored pasta is so pretty! I use the same recipe you do Shellyann36! Sometimes I do not add the cucumbers because I have a family member who has trouble digesting them. I almost always use a botle of store bought italian dressing to go on it. I have never ventured out and tried making my own italian dressing. I should try it, but I'm not sure where to begin. Suggestions?
I make it pretty much the same way. The big exception would be the green stuffed olives, which I find to be a bit too strong in pasta salads, I typically use black olives instead.

Some variations I will try are:

- Mixing the Italian dressing with some mayo and Parmesan cheese to make a tangy and creamy dressing for the pasta salad. It's a nice change of pace from the regular Italian dressing (or just using mayo).
- Try out some other bottled salad dressings instead. Some of the recent ones I tried out and was pleased with were Sweet Vidalia Onion, Asiago Cheese & Black Pepper, and Popyseed dressings.
- Experiement with less common pasta shapes. I already posted this on another thread, but I recently tried out a pasta salad recipe with Orzo that I was really happy with.

Also, if I am going to include tomatoes in it, I will wait till shortly before I am about to serve the pasta salad before adding them - since I don't like them to get too mushy sitting in the fridge.
I love pasta salad! The recipe you posted sounds really good! It's similar to one my mom usually makes, but she will usually put some shredded chicken with it. It's also great if you do a mayo dressing to go with it! That totally opened my appetite right now!!
I make this one too, but I add broc, feta and some chopped pepper jack. Those little pepper jack squares are so yummy and the feta is for presentation on top. Everyone loves this pasta salad in the summer time.
I absolutely love pasta salad! The tri-colored pasta is so pretty! I use the same recipe you do Shellyann36! Sometimes I do not add the cucumbers because I have a family member who has trouble digesting them. I almost always use a botle of store bought italian dressing to go on it. I have never ventured out and tried making my own italian dressing. I should try it, but I'm not sure where to begin. Suggestions?

My hubby cannot digest cucumbers either. I cut them into large slices so he can pick them out. I have not found a good homemade italian dressing yet. I am still on the hunt for one. When I find a good recipe I will share it!

I make it pretty much the same way. The big exception would be the green stuffed olives, which I find to be a bit too strong in pasta salads, I typically use black olives instead.

Some variations I will try are:

- Mixing the Italian dressing with some mayo and Parmesan cheese to make a tangy and creamy dressing for the pasta salad. It's a nice change of pace from the regular Italian dressing (or just using mayo).
- Try out some other bottled salad dressings instead. Some of the recent ones I tried out and was pleased with were Sweet Vidalia Onion, Asiago Cheese & Black Pepper, and Popyseed dressings.
- Experiement with less common pasta shapes. I already posted this on another thread, but I recently tried out a pasta salad recipe with Orzo that I was really happy with.

Also, if I am going to include tomatoes in it, I will wait till shortly before I am about to serve the pasta salad before adding them - since I don't like them to get too mushy sitting in the fridge.

That is a great idea to mix the mayo with the dressing! I had not thought about that. I will have to give that a try! Thanks for the tip.

I love pasta salad! The recipe you posted sounds really good! It's similar to one my mom usually makes, but she will usually put some shredded chicken with it. It's also great if you do a mayo dressing to go with it! That totally opened my appetite right now!!

Chicken would be a great meat to add to it! I will have to give that a try. I would even go as far as to marinate the chicken in the italian dressing and baste it with the dressing while it was cooking to give it that added flavor. Now my tastebuds are watering. LOL

I make this one too, but I add broc, feta and some chopped pepper jack. Those little pepper jack squares are so yummy and the feta is for presentation on top. Everyone loves this pasta salad in the summer time.

I am on board for the pepper jack or even some shredded on top of each serving. I am not a big feta fan though. Good idea to spruce it up with some cheese though!
The above pasta salads sound great! Altough I'm pretty much the only one in my family that like pasta salads, I'm not sure why the others dont, pasta salad is really tasty!
I do enjoy pasta salad a lot! Pretty much the same recipe as above, though I have never used black olives. And I'm not sure if the dressing I use is italian or not...
One thing I've tried adding is chicken and it tastes absolutely awesome. But then you also need to add a bit more salad dressing so it doesn't become dry.
When we have cookouts or family get togethers I like to make this simple and easy dish. It is simple to make and gets rave reviews each time I make it for my family and friends.

Tri-color pasta cooked and drained. After draining the hot water I dunk it in cold water and drain a second time.
Italian salad dressing (You could use bottle or homemade dressing)
Cherry tomatoes cut in half
Green pepper diced
Cucumber diced
Black olives halved
Stuffed green olives left whole

I mix all of these ingredients together and chill before serving. The colors really pop and make this dish very appealing to the eye.

How do you fix your Pasta Salad.

I make my pasta very similar to yours the only difference is i always add cooked baby shrimp to mine and it is just so delicious; this is salad i usually eat on it's own.
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