Pick your garlic carefully


16 Jun 2018
Local time
6:13 PM
I completely forgot to mention this. I made the switch about 2 years ago to garlic grown in California (fresh and especially granulated). The reason being is that the US import a LOT of garlic from China and that is a terrible thing, namely because forced prison labor is legal there and one of the things prisoners are forced to do is peel garlic. They use their thumbnails to pick off the roots and after thousands of times doing this, it literally, disintegrates their nails, so what do they resort to? Using their teeth. Yes, using their teeth to get rid of the roots on garlic. And there are no health codes/standards over there either and that is the stuff that gets shipped to your supermarket. In short, when you buy garlic, make sure it says it's grown in California. There is more to this, but that is the gist of it.
As I understand it, you are talking about ready peeled garlic? I don't know if that is a normal thing to buy in the US but in the UK it isn't. Here our garlic tends to be from Spain, France or home grown and not peeled.

Don't know if you are all able to access this but here is a UK video about the issue:

View: https://youtu.be/41hTAQQ02Zs
Whilst I fully understand your concerns, I think you´d probably find some other, even more appalling food preparation techniques from other parts of the world.
However, since I steadfastly refuse to use ANY garlic that is not a full bulb, which I can break into cloves and then mince, (no peeled cloves, no ready minced, no "easy" garlic paste in a bottle, no garlic salt, no sundried garlic) I doubt I will have a problem.
I´m a bit of an obsessive in that respect; if I can use it fresh, I prefer it 100% over any other version!
I’m the same with garlic. I buy it in bulbs, either from the supermarket in town or the organic farm around the corner (just bout some today from there).
I’m the same with garlic. I buy it in bulbs, either from the supermarket in town or the organic farm around the corner (just bout some today from there).
I have never purchased peeled garlic either, always in bulbs! Many of the farmer's markets around here sell local produce (well in the summer and early fall anyway). It's easy enough for me to peel it myself, and since I mainly use roasted garlic in just about everything, I rarely peel it until it's cooked and the skins slide right off.
As I understand it, you are talking about ready peeled garlic? I don't know if that is a normal thing to buy in the US but in the UK it isn't. Here our garlic tends to be from Spain, France or home grown and not peeled.

Don't know if you are all able to access this but here is a UK video about the issue:

View: https://youtu.be/41hTAQQ02Zs
I also think Puggles may have been referring to granulated and powders as well. So yes, that would be a bit off-putting. I have dried and made garlic powder many times, but I really prefer fresh and it's so easy to obtain (in bulbs). If a recipe calls for granulated, easy enough to create.
We stopped buying Chinese garlic years ago..I saw a story where they fertilize the fields with human waste..so, we support US, Canada or sometimes we get Spanish garlic...but over the last few years we grow our own..Just picked 130 bulbs over the last two days..have them hanging in the garage..That gets me into Feb/March..then I dehydrate what's drying out and we grind that up..we also get chopped Canadian garlic in water...I usually have a container of that in the fridge in case of emergency..I have discovered this Brazilian product that is basically pureed garlic with water and you pour it from a bottle..quite nice and definitely easy to work with..last a long time in the fridge door..
We stopped buying Chinese garlic years ago..I saw a story where they fertilize the fields with human waste..so, we support US, Canada or sometimes we get Spanish garlic...but over the last few years we grow our own..Just picked 130 bulbs over the last two days..have them hanging in the garage..That gets me into Feb/March..then I dehydrate what's drying out and we grind that up..we also get chopped Canadian garlic in water...I usually have a container of that in the fridge in case of emergency..I have discovered this Brazilian product that is basically pureed garlic with water and you pour it from a bottle..quite nice and definitely easy to work with..last a long time in the fridge door..
Human waste fertilizer sounds gross, but doesn't a lot of farm animal manure make for excellent fertilizer? I am not a farmer and have no clue.
California garlic from the Giroy area (near Monterey) is THE BEST I've ever tasted. It is even worth ordering online and paying shipping. I've driven through Gillroy may times, and the smell of Garlic is amazing... in a good way.

Garlic, Garlic, Garlic

We stopped buying Chinese garlic years ago..I saw a story where they fertilize the fields with human waste..so, we support US, Canada or sometimes we get Spanish garlic...but over the last few years we grow our own..Just picked 130 bulbs over the last two days..have them hanging in the garage..That gets me into Feb/March..then I dehydrate what's drying out and we grind that up..we also get chopped Canadian garlic in water...I usually have a container of that in the fridge in case of emergency..I have discovered this Brazilian product that is basically pureed garlic with water and you pour it from a bottle..quite nice and definitely easy to work with..last a long time in the fridge door..

I order Gillroy garlic pre-minced in jars for when I just need a little garlic right now. It tastes good to me.

Garlic used to be available here in individual cloves either peeled or not. We've never bought it like that just whole heads. Most of our market sold garlic is locally grown, in fact, the next province to the east (Si Saket) is famous for garlic.

I don't believe that I've ever used garlic powder.

I use the cloves smashed, sliced, minced or pureed depending upon the dish.

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