Picky eaters as adults

I know some picky eaters or did. I am also one of those that won't tell you what you're eating until you decide wether you like it or not. Several years ago I had friends that learned that my primary meat source was Venison and elk meat. (we were poor and hubby hunted) Their response was "EEEWWW! I could Never Eat Venison!" but when they ate my spaghetti made with ground venison they would all exclaim "OMG! This is the Best Spaghetti I have ever had! What's in it?" then I would tell them "Venison?" they were all shocked.

Another time I had a person tell me that there was NO way that anyone could get her to eat liver. LOL! Yes I did! She loves gravy. so when I roasted the turkey for Thanksgiving and she was eating with us I pureed half of the liver and added to the gravy. she was flabbergasted at how good the gravy tasted. she said I need this recipe. I told her the secret is adding the pureed (cooked) liver to the gravy. LOL!

I do make sure that they are not allergic to anything before I pull a stunt like that. but if they aren't... it's all fair game!

Hubby is not a picky eater per say. but I have learned that he doesn't like anything labeled fat free, low fat, healthy, meatless, etc. so I just make it myself and don't tell him it is low sodium, low fat, or meatless. I fooled him for almost 2 years with one Tex Mex dish. he kept asking for that taco beef skillet thing. I finally broke down and told him it had no meat. he doesn't ask for it anymore but will eat it when I make it. LOL!
Oh gosh I forgot this one... LOL! Most recent too.

Hubby's oldest daughter (second marriage)
she came to stay with us. when she got here she said she didn't like ginger, didn't like pumpkin pie because of the ginger, didn't like sloppy joes, chili, roasted chicken, Lord the crazy list went on. (she only ate in fast food restaurants) so I made pot roast potatoes and gravy. she said she didn't like gravy. she tried it which I was pretty impressed with. she liked it a lot and ate 2 plates full. sloppy joes she actually gave it a try cause she became secure that my food tasted good in general. so she not likes my homemade sloppy joe sauce, along with my homemade spaghetti sauce, etc. even eats pumpkin pie now.
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