

Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
2:21 AM
Shropshire, UK
We decided that today will probably be the last opportunity this year for a summer picnic. In readiness I am about to embark on a rare episode of baking - sausage rolls and mini quiches! Finger rolls will be filled with assorted meats and cheeses, a ham terrine left over from Christmas will be coming out of the freezer, little pots of nibbles from olives to black pudding will be assembled. Fresh strawberries, peaches and apples will do for dessert. Late morning everything will be loaded into the back of the Land Rover, along with dogs, boots, assorted balls, frizbees, towels and blankets, and we will head to lake/nature spot about ten miles north. Dawn has not yet broken, so I don't know what the weather is doing, but the forecast is for a sunny day with temperatures around 21 deg C - perfect!
One of my favorite ways to spend the day. Have a great time! Don't forget the wine. :cheers:
In a word, no. On arrival at the nature reserve one of the over excited terriers decided it was a good idea to jump out of the back of the truck before I had finished dropping the tailgate without regard to where and how he might land. He is the beauty, not the brains of the family. He was more than happy to continue on three good legs, but we decided on a more cautious approach, loaded back up and headed for the vets. Two hours later, and £90 lighter, we arrived back home, starving hungry and not at all in a picnic mood. So we went to the pub. On Monday morning we have to decide on whether the fourth leg has improved significantly after a series of anti-inflammatories, or head back to the vets for x-rays under sedation - another £500.
In a word, no. On arrival at the nature reserve one of the over excited terriers decided it was a good idea to jump out of the back of the truck before I had finished dropping the tailgate without regard to where and how he might land. He is the beauty, not the brains of the family. He was more than happy to continue on three good legs, but we decided on a more cautious approach, loaded back up and headed for the vets. Two hours later, and £90 lighter, we arrived back home, starving hungry and not at all in a picnic mood. So we went to the pub. On Monday morning we have to decide on whether the fourth leg has improved significantly after a series of anti-inflammatories, or head back to the vets for x-rays under sedation - another £500.

Oh my gosh what a disaster! I hope you have pet insurance.
Ouch! Sorry to hear it. I hope your dog is okay. You can always plan the outing for another day.
In a word, no. On arrival at the nature reserve one of the over excited terriers decided it was a good idea to jump out of the back of the truck before I had finished dropping the tailgate without regard to where and how he might land. He is the beauty, not the brains of the family. He was more than happy to continue on three good legs, but we decided on a more cautious approach, loaded back up and headed for the vets. Two hours later, and £90 lighter, we arrived back home, starving hungry and not at all in a picnic mood. So we went to the pub. On Monday morning we have to decide on whether the fourth leg has improved significantly after a series of anti-inflammatories, or head back to the vets for x-rays under sedation - another £500.
How is he now?
Did you ever get to your picnic?
What a terrible day. We near summer here so picnics galore coming up. We don't have pets because we're never home. Saves me a fortune,lol.

A couple of years ago we went to the seaside town of Aldeburgh for a long weekend. The beach is pebbles not sand but that is fine. We went into an independant shop for a bottle of prosecco and another independant store for a small loaf of bread, salad, dressed crab etc...and sat on the beach with our picnic lunch. It was a lovely day and the food was lovely because we chose when we got there, no planning, just what can we buy? :happy:
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