Pie and Peas


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
1:18 AM
A Yorkshire staple dish, in this instance with steak and kidney pie.

s&k and dhal.jpg
Are you making your own mushy peas?

Yes; soaking dried marrofats overnight then boiling them up with a little bi-carb and simmering for about 90 minutes. Bag them and freeze them.
Have you come across black peas (carlins)? A Northern specialty I believe. Have I asked you this before? They are mushy too and quite delicious. Its reminded me that I have a packet...
I'd have thought pork pies would be called 'grunters' not 'growlers'!

I have no idea why but they were called that when I originally learnt to speak and probably a long time before that so I am not one to argue.

One of my jobs as a kid during the school holidays in Leeds was to pick up and deliver a dozen or so growlers to my Mum's workplace on Tuesday lunchtime every week. My Mum worked at a Jewish tailors. I didn't find it ironic at the time. On Fridays I collected and delivered the fish and chips. As far as I know, there were no Catholics either.

Strange place Yorkshire.
Have you come across black peas (carlins)? A Northern specialty I believe. Have I asked you this before? They are mushy too and quite delicious. Its reminded me that I have a packet...

I believe that you may have asked me that before but I've not come across them. Probably the neanderthal Geordies north of us.
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