Pinterest for Recipe Ideas


2 Aug 2015
Local time
12:53 AM
Virginia, USA
How many of you use Pinterest for recipe ideas? They have some amazing creations on that site. I love the look of alot of their foods, the pictures are great and Pinterest looks like a cookbook come to life. I particularly like their no net carb recipes most take almond flour, coconut flour etc.
How many of you use Pinterest for recipe ideas? They have some amazing creations on that site. I love the look of alot of their foods, the pictures are great and Pinterest looks like a cookbook come to life. I particularly like their no net carb recipes most take almond flour, coconut flour etc.
It's the first place I go to find something exciting. The pictures alone keep me going back. I used to be like a child in the candy store when I first discovered it. One day I will have my own creations there. I encourage a certain @morning glory to sign up and get her thing going.
I really like pinterest but you need to keep an eye out, because there are so many stuff out there and not always helpful. I usually try to keep it simple and go for the recipes that not just looking good on the pictures but also sounds appetizing.
I am using Pinterest to curate my favorite stuff and cooking recipes not included. I see some pins but they will redirect you to another site and that kind of defeats the purpose of curating everything I like in one site.
I love Pinterest, it becomes a little bit of an addiction for me! I find that I get on there to look for one thing, and then I find a million other things and before I know it I've spent way more time than I anticipated pinning stuff! And after all there's only so many hours in a day to do stuff!

I actually made a slow cooker tikka masala today that I found the recipe on Pinterest for. It was tasty!
I love Pinterest for all of the interesting things you can find there. At one time I could click on a pin and get the directions or how to instructions now you get redirected to another pin and my never find the instructions you were looking. for. I have set some ideas aside that I have found on the site for later. I look at the food, DIY projects, gardening and refashion clothes.
Yes, Pinterest has a lot to offer. I am amazed by the cooking and craft ideas. My only problem with this site, is sometimes I see something really interesting to make, and I can;t find the ingredients around here. Fortunately, our local store has started caring items like coconut, and almond flour and things like that, of course the prices are outrageous! I could always order them online I guess..
I get so caught up with the exciting 'looking' images I sometimes forget about the other important and educational material you can find there. I have some online work related boards that are neglected on that platform simply because food is my main focus on Pinterest.
There is an app you can even put Pinterest on your phone. So, like most of the recipe sites if you have it with you you can find recipes, and pick them right in the store. I haven't downloaded the app, but I might well do so. It is a good site. It is one of the places I go online when I am looking to kill a few minutes.
I love pinterest! Maybe a little too much at times lol. I love to find new recipes on there and have made over a dozen of them. Some turn out really well, and if they do I write the recipe in a book I have so I can easily find it next time. Some recipes I've made have been complete's such a bummer when that happens but it's part of the process. Pinterest is also a great place to get ideas and inspiration to make your own dishes.
I'm obsessed with Pinterest, it's an addiction and I never go on there "real quick". I go on for a few minutes and all of a sudden an hour has gone by. I do find recipes on there constantly. I've made quite a few things and most were successful while others were ok but not necessarily worth a repeat, or at least not for our family. It's fairly easy to check out the ingredients of a recipe and know if it's going to be good or not. Lately I've been looking for recipes for the crock pot and I think I may have found my next one.
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