Pocket Breads


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
7:07 PM
I have done some research regarding things like Calzones, Pirogis, Papusas and so forth and found them all classified as Meat Pies. I, contrary to this classification, would have labelled them as Pocket Breads.

When I do google for Pocket Bread, the only thing that seems to qualify is Pita Bread. This in itself is most interesting and at least suggests that there is truly only one true Pocket Bread, wheat or white Flour, and that's that. Or can there be others? This narrow definition of a Pocket Bread also suggests a specific technique is involved to create a dough which when baked, puffs up to leave its upper and lower sides split by the air pocket.

I would love to understand the technique involved, but also, desire to explore possible alternatives to going beyond Pitas as the only possible Pocket Bread.
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Pita bread is actually quite easy to make. See here.

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