Recipe Portobello Mushroom Crackers


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
3:16 AM
Milano, Italy

Delicious thin, crunchy sheets enriched with fresh mushrooms that I chopped and added to the mixture. Rustic for sure.

Makes approximately 12-14 crackers, Preparation 20 mins + 30 mins resting in the fridge, Cooking 15-20 mins

  • 1 Portobello mushroom, finely chopped
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme or half a teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 100g 00 flour/ AP Flour / Plain Flour, sifted
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, sifted
  • 3 level tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 level tablespoon lukewarm water
  • 1 teaspoon fine salt
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – EVOO, 1 tablespoon + a drizzle


Preheat the oven to 180 C / 350 F / Gas 4.

Heat a tablespoon of EVOO in a non-stick pan, sauté the thyme, then add the chopped Portobello mushroom, cook it for a few minutes. Squeeze out the mushroom pieces and dry them with kitchen paper towels, let them cool down a bit, put them in a large bowl together with the flour and instant yeast both sifted, mix with a wooden spoon, then add the tablespoon of lukewarm water, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and the teaspoon of fine salt at the end. Knead with your hands until you get a soft and compact dough although not properly smooth. Add a little flour if it is too sticky.

  • Portobello-minced-765x1020.jpg
  • Impasto-funghi-1020x765.jpg
  • Impasto-steso-765x1020.jpg
Cover with cling film or a damp cloth and leave to rest for half an hour in the fridge.

Roll out the dough about 2 mm thick, cut out squares or rectangles of dough with a pizza-cutter or a knife and prick well all over with a fork to prevent too many air bubbles forming during cooking.

Brush with a little EVOO and sprinkle with sea salt.

Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until crisp. Check them often because they risk burning easily. Let them cool down before eating.

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I am very impressed. I would never have thought of putting mushroom pieces in a cracker, but I am definitely going to try this. I’m especially impressed that the crackers stayed together, despite moisture of the mushroom. I would’ve tried making this with dried mushrooms, but I would have missed out on the fresh flavor doing it that way.
I am very impressed. I would never have thought of putting mushroom pieces in a cracker, but I am definitely going to try this. I’m especially impressed that the crackers stayed together, despite moisture of the mushroom. I would’ve tried making this with dried mushrooms, but I would have missed out on the fresh flavor doing it that way.

Thank you 🙂
I admit that I’ve been impressed as well that they stayed together, I was a bit worried but it worked. I suppose is because I squeezed them after cooking so to get rid of their water and then pat dried them well with kitchen paper.
My first idea was to use dried mushrooms actually, but I didn’t have any thus I used the fresh ones. I am still curious to experiment with the dried ones though 😉… something keeps saying to me that instead they might add more flavour to the crackers… let’s see.
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Brava! A great idea; these look fantastic! I've only come across mushrooms in bread dough - never in crackers. It's great to see that they keep intact. I imagine the crackers would taste great with a spicy vegetable soup, potato salad or cold cut meat - e.g. a spreadable pancetta & herb paste. I'll probably make these for Christmas: we've still got some home-desiccated mushrooms left. Thanks for the recipe.
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Brava! A great idea; these look fantastic! I've only come across mushrooms in bread dough - never in crackers. It's great to see that they keep intact. I imagine the crackers would taste great with a spicy vegetable soup, potato salad or cold cut meat - e.g. a spreadable pancetta & herb paste. I'll probably make these for Christmas: we've still got some home-desiccated mushrooms left. Thanks for the recipe.

Grazie cara :)
It was an experiment and it worked. As I said before, I was a bit worried about the end result (also during the making), it surprised me.
Anyway, I'll definitely make them again, experimenting this time with my first idea, i.e. with dried mushrooms.

We ate them as they were and some were accompanied by cream cheese spread and even a tuna mousse, but in a spicy vegetable soup, potato salad or cold cut meat they would go very well together too. I like the idea of a spreadable bacon & herb paste!

Let me know how these crackers turned out!
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