Potato Breakfast Hash


Active Member
5 Dec 2020
Local time
7:40 PM
Hi there! A buddy of mine recently asked me to show them how to make a potato breakfast hash, and I want to do a thorough job. That being said, I think a good idea would be to cover common pitfalls and issues people run into with a hash.

With that in mind, what are some problems you all encounter when you make this dish? Also is parcooking potatoes absolutely necessary, or can I just cut the potato into a smaller dice and let it all cook in the pan without parcooking?
Par-cooking isn't necessary, but I do think it makes a better final product.

One bit of advice, when you dice those potatoes, give them a quick rinse and then get them good and dry. That'll getting a nice crispy outside. I usually season mine raw (paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper at a minimum), then toss in some oil then fry in a mix of oil and butter or oil and bacon fat.
I assume Potato Breakfast Hash is what we in the States call Hash Brown Potatoes or Hash Browns. Yes?

The dicing suggests otherwise, as in when the diced Potatoes are mixed with Corned or Roast Beef?
I assume Potato Breakfast Hash is what we in the States call Hash Brown Potatoes or Hash Browns. Yes?

The dicing suggests otherwise, as in when the diced Potatoes are mixed with Corned or Roast Beef?

I don't know what the OP was referring to, but hash browns and potato has are not the same. It is more like a corned beef hash.

I'm assuming more like a corned beef hash - a mixture of things all diced up.

Fun TR trivia item: I have never eaten corned beef hash.
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