Recipe Potato Crusted Tuna

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
10:08 PM
Detroit, USA

I got this recipe from Chef Anne Burrell, who uses significantly more oil than I do here. Hers look better than mine turned out, but she gets paid for here cooking, so I don't feel bad about that. The flavor was nice.

I would like to have shown you what it looked like inside after cooking, but I've just found out that there's a 6-picture limit to posts! I will add this pic as a reply to the original post.


1 6-ounce tuna fillet
1/4 cup freshly-squeezed orange juice
1 tablespoon freshly-squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
1 medium clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper, divided
1 or 2 Yukon gold potatoes, or similar small-diameter potato, peeled
1 tablespoon canola oil for cooking plus more for assembling
Kosher salt


1. Marinade the tuna in a mixture of orange juice, lemon juice, soy sauce, minced garlic, and most of the pepper. Ensure that the container or bag allows the liquid to completely cover the tuna. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

2. Using a mandoline on the thinnest setting (1 mm), slice a potato. Save the discs that are approximately the same side.

3. Using parchment paper, assemble the discs in a "fish scale" pattern, ensuring that each layer overlaps the next one. Brush the "scales" lightly with oil.


4. Place the marinaded tuna in the middle of the "scales". If it looks like the fillet is too big for the scales to fully surround it, slice more "scales" from another potato add layer them on the paper as described in the previous step.


5. Roll one side of the parchment paper up and over the top of the fillet. Carefully peel the paper away from the potato.


6. Repeat the previous step as needed until the fillet is surrounded by "scales". I had an extra "scale" piece hanging off the bottom, but I left it there because I knew it would be delicious when cooked in the pan. But, for form's sake, trim any stray pieces as needed with kitchen sheers.


NOTE: I normally don't say what kind of pan to use, but anything other than a non-stick pan will likely peel those pretty scales right off when you try to turn it.

7. Raise a non-stick pan to medium heat. Add oil to the pan.

8. Sprinkle both sides of the fillet with salt and the remaining pepper. Cook for 3-4 minutes per side, until golden brown.

I probably wouldn't even attempt this dish as it looks 'critical' regarding the cooking of the fish and the potatoes - so a big bravo!

Its an unusual way to use potatoes and I would think the result depends on just how crispy and golden those 'scales' are? The method shown for wrapping the fish seems deceptively simple but is perhaps quite tricky. Why do you think the potato didn't adhere properly?
Why do you think the potato didn't adhere properly
The recipe I based this on didn’t show the interior. It might be that this is just how it is. On the other hand, maybe something inside the potato to make it stick to the fish better – like flour – might work?

Or, maybe I should have let the assembled product rest in the refrigerator for a while to let everything merge together better?

I’m already thinking of trying this again. But, it probably won’t get past the thinking stage.
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