Recipe Potato McShake


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
12:38 AM
Potato Shake.jpg
The Base Shake:
50g cooked potato
100ml milk
pinch of salt
1 tblsp honey
1 tblsp lecithin granules

The Fruity Bit:
200g fresh mango chunks (flesh from 1 ripe mango)
1 ripe banana

You'll Also Need:
A blender

The Steps:
  • You need just a small amount of potato which has been boiled or steamed and then allowed to cool (so, as noted above, do cook more than one spud(you’ll always find a use for the others).
  • Add the cooled potato, milk, fruit (either the banana or mango) and a pinch of salt to the blender and (guess what) blend.
  • Now add the honey. Start with just one or two tsp, blend and taste and add more if you like.
  • Add the lecithin granules and blend. You can leave the lecithin out if you like, but it really does improve the texture of the shake.
  • Now take a deep breath, pour and drink. It’s really not that bad!
The Variations:
Well, if you’re game enough to get this far, you might have variations of your own that you’ll want to try.

The Results:
This probably amounts to spud shake for 2. It’s quite rich and thick, so you really don’t need big portions. That, coupled with the fact that (if you tell them what’s in it) people are going to think it strange enough to only want a small amount to begin with anyway!
Hmm, interesting. What flavor does a potato shake have? I can only imagine potato as salty or spiced. I think this shake would be really thick and rich but can't quite imagine what it would taste like.
I am not sure what I think of this. Shake and potatoes are nothing something I would have imagined putting together. Not sure if I like the idea of drinking my potatoes. Interesting I must say but I think I will pass on this one.
The Base Shake:
50g cooked potato
100ml milk
pinch of salt
1 tblsp honey
1 tblsp lecithin granules

The Fruity Bit:
200g fresh mango chunks (flesh from 1 ripe mango)
1 ripe banana

You'll Also Need:
A blender

The Steps:
  • You need just a small amount of potato which has been boiled or steamed and then allowed to cool (so, as noted above, do cook more than one spud(you’ll always find a use for the others).
  • Add the cooled potato, milk, fruit (either the banana or mango) and a pinch of salt to the blender and (guess what) blend.
  • Now add the honey. Start with just one or two tsp, blend and taste and add more if you like.
  • Add the lecithin granules and blend. You can leave the lecithin out if you like, but it really does improve the texture of the shake.
  • Now take a deep breath, pour and drink. It’s really not that bad!
The Variations:
Well, if you’re game enough to get this far, you might have variations of your own that you’ll want to try.

The Results:
This probably amounts to spud shake for 2. It’s quite rich and thick, so you really don’t need big portions. That, coupled with the fact that (if you tell them what’s in it) people are going to think it strange enough to only want a small amount to begin with anyway!
Wow, I never heard of anything like this in my life. I bet you can hardly taste the potato in the shake though. Maybe that is a good thing! I think it would probably just act as a thickening agent. I am sure it is healthier than the ice cream or artificial thickeners that are put in our shakes here in the West.
I am not sure what I think of this. Shake and potatoes are nothing something I would have imagined putting together. Not sure if I like the idea of drinking my potatoes. Interesting I must say but I think I will pass on this one.
Give it a go at least!
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I'm actually thinking with the other stuff added in you wouldn't even notice the potato-ness of the shake. I'm imagining it probably just gives it a creamy, thick texture which wouldn't be all that bad!
Since you have now volunteered as a guinea-pig to try this out, I wait your verdict with interest. If you could report back by Saturday, your verdict might even influence the judging of the competition! An ingredient 'a week' competition
Eeeeep! I'm away from home this week on a family vacation (writing this from my phone!!) so my Guinea pig testing ability is out of luck until next week at the earliest. But, I would be happy to do it in the interest of research/science once I'm back!!
We all know that's just an excuse. You are just procrastinating, hoping that by next week we will have forgotten! But we will hold you to this @cupcakechef :D.
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