Potatoes, Potatos, Spuds & Tatties


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
6:52 AM
Early, Second Early, Maincrop & Second Cropping. More to do with when they're planted
First Early Potatoes
First early potatoes are perfect if you want to grow small, new potatoes and should be planted from the end of February to late May. They'll be ready to harvest in about 10 weeks from the planting date.

Second Early Potatoes
Second early potatoes should be planted up from March to late May and the small, new potatoes will be ready to harvest in approximately 13 weeks.

Maincrop Potatoes
Maincrop potato varieties produce larger varieties for baking and roasting. For best results, 'chit' the tubers and then plant up from March to mid May. The potatoes will be ready to harvest approximately 20 weeks after planting. Maincrop potatoes are best grown in the ground, where they will have more space.

Second Cropping Potatoes
Known as Christmas potatoes, second cropping varieties do not need to be chitted, are planted in early August and will be ready to harvest in approximately 11 weeks. You can either dig them up and eat them in late Autumn, or store them for your Christmas dinner!

See attached list showing 271 recognised varieties. It downloads


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Every one has their own ideas on potatoes ,main crop Maris for me is a the best all rounder ,it does steam ,it does chip,it slices and releases starch for dauphinoise and boulengere it roasts great ,and mash if you treat it right its great ,so it's my choice and gives me consistancy
My father is a allotment Waller he spends all his life ,trying different potatoes growing techniques etc,I'm sure in the end you just need to choose a crop a type and stick with it !
can you put a link to this please because we can't really read it.
Also you have missed off Late Main, or have they 'done away' with that category now. Certainly, I purchased some Late Main crop potatoes this year.
And salad are missing as well... from the 1st post.

Tis only Late Main and Salad that I actually planted this year :whistling:
First post was to give a brief outline of the growing periods, The second was put together and is showing on an A3 size monitor at 28% of its origional size.

Link added to the 2nd post
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I quizzed my father today on what he is growing this year and he rolled off 11 varieties ,and he slated one of my favourites golden wonder due to poor crops last year ,he tries to cover potatoes for all crops to cover all cooking types ,he's a legend in his garden and I have never seen crops like it ! Not like me I chuck in any potatoes that chimp at work and give them 13 plus weeks then dig,
Golden wonder haven't had much success these last few years
I quizzed my father today on what he is growing this year and he rolled off 11 varieties ,and he slated one of my favourites golden wonder due to poor crops last year ,he tries to cover potatoes for all crops to cover all cooking types ,he's a legend in his garden and I have never seen crops like it ! Not like me I chuck in any potatoes that chimp at work and give them 13 plus weeks then dig,
I used to grow 8 or 9 different varieties in my old very plot. Most would do really well and we would end up with a good year's supply of potatoes. Home grown and the old varieties are just so much tastier than shop bought. This year I have managed to sneak in 2 varieties much to my landladies despair. I'm not sure how well one of them is doing but the Shetland Black is doing really well which is great because I only planted 10 tubers and that was really late as well.
I used to grow 8 or 9 different varieties in my old very plot. Most would do really well and we would end up with a good year's supply of potatoes. Home grown and the old varieties are just so much tastier than shop bought. This year I have managed to sneak in 2 varieties much to my landladies despair. I'm not sure how well one of them is doing but the Shetland Black is doing really well which is great because I only planted 10 tubers and that was really late as well.
Dad gets his seed catalogue out with his cronies and I recon they grow 25 plus varieties between them,he reads them out like a horse race pundit,selecting his days bets,
,he will take on other peoples gardens who are in poor health or struggling with the garden and fill them ,it's his hobby and life ,he will turn up at my house tomorrow with enough potatoes and soft fruit to feed me and my neighbours
Dad gets his seed catalogue out with his cronies and I recon they grow 25 plus varieties between them,he reads them out like a horse race pundit,selecting his days bets,
,he will take on other peoples gardens who are in poor health or struggling with the garden and fill them ,it's his hobby and life ,he will turn up at my house tomorrow with enough potatoes and soft fruit to feed me and my neighbours
I wish I had a father like that. Sadly I don't have a father, but do now (in the last 7 years) have a great step-father but he is not a gardener by any means!
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