Preparing Food For Picky Eaters


7 Apr 2015
Local time
8:34 AM
We have some family friends that have a pretty strict diet due to allergies and just trying to stay healthy. I have a really difficult time thinking of new things to make for them when they come over. They won't eat any dairy, any meat, any bread, wheat or noodles. This pretty much eliminates most of the meals I plan. There are veggies and rice but that is about all I can think of. It sounds like a boring diet to me and I'm not sure how they do it. Do you have any ideas that doesn't involve these ingredients that would make for a healthy yet tasteful meal?
I hate preparing food for picky eaters...I like making pasta and stuff like that, so if the person is a vegetarian that is not much trouble because they'll just have the salad and pasta, but for people who don't eat gluten, or are lactose intolerant, or don't like spices... those are tricky!
I'm not keen on making food for fussy eaters either. Whilst I sympathise with those who have genuine allergies, some people can really take the biscuit with their demands.
When I was in Georgia last summer and was about to bring my 2 grand nephews to Boston, I asked them & their parents what they like to eat and what they DON'T like to eat. This way, I had an idea on what they like or don't like.

Most kids like fast food, and that is ok once in a while. But not ALL the time. I mostly made them homemade meals. And since the 11-year-old likes to cook and bake, I let him throw down in the kitchen whenever he wanted to, and that was practically every day! :wink:
First, people who have a legitimate reason for not eating something such as an allergy are not picky. I think you need to look at the situation as them making healthy choices based on their dietary restrictions. It's really not difficult to prepare foods that everyone can eat regardless of their restrictions. Why don't you search out vegan and gluten free recipes? You can always incorporate other ingredients on the side that those who are not restricted can add to their own food.
I'm not keen on making food for fussy eaters either. Whilst I sympathise with those who have genuine allergies, some people can really take the biscuit with their demands.

There is a big difference between someone who has an allergy and someone who is fussy. If a person is just fussy, they can eat at home or they can politely accept what is given to them and eat it with a smile. Most people have very bad habits and could stand to eat as if they had allergies to some things.
When picky eaters are mentioned on the net it seems to be mostly referring to children, so to some extent I tend to agree with ChanellG on this one. Even thought I imagine it could also be adults, I think most times adults appear picky has almost everything to do with health issues and dietary restrictions. I have had to prepare meals for persons like this in the past and what I did was prepare separate more healthy dishes and then your every day dishes for those who were mot dealing with health issues.

Since I know I ought to be eating differently myself, I hope to find things that both groups of people can enjoy without it appearing like such a burden.
A child is going to be your toughest critic when cooking for him or her. They will not eat everything that you put in front of them. Veggies are usually the most difficult thing the you can convince them to eat!
They'll probably skirt their way around it and eat everything else! :headshake:
cooking for some people can be a chore,but for friends you just adapt your menu to include them,i get low fat ,low salt no gluten ,vegans the list goes on ,normally if you make the effort they are well pleased
Also, those who want to be control freaks and want to try to boss you around while you're cooking!!
I hate that, I hate it, I HATE it!!! A friend of mine does that, and I won't cook at his house ever again because of that! If I'm cooking, & unless he's paying me top dollar, either I do it MY way or I won't do it at all!
I just flatly refuse to be bossed around in the kitchen!! It is just not right and I'm having none of it! :mad: :stop:
When picky eaters are mentioned on the net it seems to be mostly referring to children, so to some extent I tend to agree with ChanellG...

Since I know I ought to be eating differently myself, I hope to find things that both groups of people can enjoy without it appearing like such a burden.

LOL, I was one of those picky eaters as a child! I could probably list the foods I preferred and ate on my fingers and toes. Now it's easier to say what I don't eat. I love vegetables and fruit; I eat grains and legumes, nuts, cheeses, some seafood, very little bread and no meat or peppers. I don't cook with salt (for the most part) or make sugary foods so people with health restrictions don't have to worry about my cooking. I'm all about steaming and roasting and hardly ever fry anything; I also try to do some raw stuff.
...I have had to prepare meals for persons like this in the past and what I did was prepare separate more healthy dishes and then your every day dishes for those who were mot dealing with health issues.

My family knows at holidays that if it isn't healthy, has meat or bell pepper, I'm not going to touch it. When my aunt makes gumbo she sets mine aside in a smaller pot with only seafood before adding the meat ingredients. Sometimes I stretch it by adding veg stock. I still have some in the freezer - haven't wanted to get my hands messy eating the crab, lol.

My 11-y-o grand nephew, in addition to being a cook, he's also a child prodigy / food critic as well!
He likes to give his honest opinion on the food that he eats at restaurants. Most other kids his age or younger, like to gorge out at fast food places, such as McDonald's, Burger King or Wendy's, but not him.
He likes to go to eateries where he can sit down at a table and be waited on. He's spoiled!! Hah!!

He very rarely eats at fast food places, I think, because he knows about the dangers of eating it too often. Smart kid!! I sincerely hope that follows him all his life! He may end up being a chef, food critic & an entrepreneur all in one!! He also wants to go to culinary school after finishing school!!

I am so awesomely proud of him to be taking such a strong interest in cooking, baking the way that he does, and making it his goal in life to the path of greatness!! :wink:
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LOL, I was one of those picky eaters as a child! I could probably list the foods I preferred and ate on my fingers and toes. Now it's easier to say what I don't eat. I love vegetables and fruit; I eat grains and legumes, nuts, cheeses, some seafood, very little bread and no meat or peppers. I don't cook with salt (for the most part) or make sugary foods so people with health restrictions don't have to worry about my cooking. I'm all about steaming and roasting and hardly ever fry anything; I also try to do some raw stuff.

I am hypertensive and I really think I should use less salt and generally do a lot of what you are doing. Consistency is such a problem for me and I honestly have not found a way to make my meals as tasty as I like them without that touch of "salt" or more than a touch honestly. It's such a problem staying away from all the seasonings. I need to be more "picky". Truth be told when I am speaking about being picky myself it always has something to with taste or how a meal is prepared as opposed to the actual product.
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