Recipe Quick biscuits (crackers) for cheese

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:05 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Having bought some nice smelly cheese, :D I realised I had no crackers to eat it with tonight. In the cupboard was a pack of rice flour (which I haven't used before). I actually bought it by mistake thinking it was rye flour (rice...rye?). Must get some new specs.

I made up this very easy recipe which seems to have worked out well.

100g (about 3/4 cup) rice flour
100g (about 3/4 cup) plain white flour
50g butter (1/4 cup)
Sea salt flakes or seeds of your choice

Heat oven to 180C (360F). Rub butter into the flour with a pinch of salt. Add just enough cold water to bring the dough together. Roll out as thin as you dare (I put the dough between two sheets of cling-film). Cut into desired shapes and prick with a fork to make a pretty pattern. Pat sea-salt flakes or seeds into the tops. Bake for 15mins and cool on a wire rack.

This makes about 16 biscuits/crackers

Photo on 26-09-2015 at 20.18.jpg
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I have a recipe in the vaults of culinary wisdom for a imitation digestive with cummin seeds ,it's really good ,I will dig it out and post ,home made cheese biscuits are great ,even a savoury scone,is a change from the normal cream cracker
These are not biscuits as we know them in the UK. They are what we would call scones! In the US they eat them with stews, an idea a quite like as its a bit like having dumplings.
As the apparent undisclosed sponsor ,the black stuff,I felt the recipe had its place ,
Any way whys it not a biscuit?,this is a cosmopolitan forum
Having bought some nice smelly cheese, :D I realised I had no crackers to eat it with tonight. In the cupboard was a pack of rice flour (which I haven't used before). I actually bought it by mistake thinking it was rye flour (rice...rye?). Must get some new specs.

I made up this very easy recipe which seems to have worked out well.

100g (about 3/4 cup) rice flour
100g (about 3/4 cup) plain white flour
50g butter (1/4 cup)
Sea salt flakes or seeds of your choice

Heat oven to 180C (360F). Rub butter into the flour with a pinch of salt. Add just enough cold water to bring the dough together. Roll out as thin as you dare (I put the dough between two sheets of cling-film). Cut into desired shapes and prick with a fork to make a pretty pattern. Pat sea-salt flakes or seeds into the tops. Bake for 15mins and cool on a wire rack.

This makes about 16 biscuits/crackers

View attachment 1574

That sounds so easy. I have been wanting to try making crackers. I'll have to look into rice flour. I'm not sure if it's available where I shop, but I should be able to find it at Kroger, or online, at least. I love crackers with seeds, they always seem more wholesome and rustic.
I have never attempted to make crackers before. It looks rather easy to do. I usually just buy them and have them on hand when I need them. I may just give these a try someday though just to see what they are like.

The cheddar biscuits sound great too. :)
As the apparent undisclosed sponsor ,the black stuff,I felt the recipe had its place ,
Any way whys it not a biscuit?,this is a cosmopolitan forum
I know. But as the thread was about British biscuits/crackers for eating with cheese, I was being pernickety!
I always had unsalted soda crackers at home. And whenever I feel like to eat crackers I just topped it with any kind of fruit jam, peanut butter and cheese with mayo. I have not yet tried making my own crackers and I just buy them. Maybe sometime I will give this a try and see what will happen if I will be able to make it right.
Classic33, I am guessing this biscuit recipe has to be added to your list and you can get back to me with the number of recipes missing until we reach the 33 we discussed. Anyway, I've never made a biscuit but love my biscuits and cheese. I'm not sure if we're still talking only British biscuits but I think it's neat that Morning Glory would create her own biscuits with what she has on hand and actually get a great result. Kudos to you Morning Glory.
Classic33, I am guessing this biscuit recipe has to be added to your list and you can get back to me with the number of recipes missing until we reach the 33 we discussed. Anyway, I've never made a biscuit but love my biscuits and cheese. I'm not sure if we're still talking only British biscuits but I think it's neat that Morning Glory would create her own biscuits with what she has on hand and actually get a great result. Kudos to you Morning Glory.
Thankyou @winterybella. This evening I'm going to try making them with 100% rice flour to see how that turns out.
Thankyou @winterybella. This evening I'm going to try making them with 100% rice flour to see how that turns out.
I'll be waiting to hear how that turns out. The day I can make a biscuit or cracker as thin as that and enjoy it, I am going to throw a party. There are some things I thought I'd never try and biscuits might have been one of them. I hope all goes well.
The picture of the crackers looks great and they look just like something a fancy, gourmet store would sell!

I had never thought about making my own crackers. It's one of those things that I suppose I always thought would be difficult!
I'll be waiting to hear how that turns out. The day I can make a biscuit or cracker as thin as that and enjoy it, I am going to throw a party. There are some things I thought I'd never try and biscuits might have been one of them. I hope all goes well.
The 100% rice flour crackers was disastrous. They came out white (which, I suppose could be a plus point) with slightly curled edges. They weren't pretty curled ages. The texture was semi crisp and they tasted of virtually nothing!
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