Ragu or Prego

Ragu or Prego

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4 Sep 2014
Local time
9:20 AM
Which sauce do you think is best spaghetti? I personally like Prego. The sauce is thick and has a lot of flavor. I also use it for lasagna.
Oh goodness, the age-old question :P I usually make my sauce from scratch (much more tasty and more cost efficient) but if I'd have to buy one I'd definitely like Prego. Ragu is really runny and tastes like watered-down tomato sauce compared to Ragu, in my opinion.
I only voted Ragu because I've never tried Prego's sauces. I didn't know they made them. I've only tried Prego soups, which I have liked.

But usually I make my own sauces, unless I'm lazy, then I take to Ragu.

(I should, obviously, try Prego sauces once of these days...)
Neither really. Ragu tastes bland to me, and Prego has way too much sugar in it. If I had to choose between the two though for something like spaghetti, I would probably go with Ragu since it's a bit runnier and closer to a home made tomato sauce made from canned crushed tomatoes. But that's being generous since everything else about Ragu I dislike, lol. I guess what I'm getting at is if I were to dress pasta lightly with some Ragu, the pasta, pasta water and a generous amount of Romano cheese would help mask the flavor a bit.

My grandparents on my moms side of the family were 100% Italian and came to the US in their 20's. Thankfully they gardened and canned vegetables for decades, up until I was a teenager when they passed away, I enjoyed many years of homemade pasta sauce on a regular basis and even helped out with some of the canning and gardening. My parents rarely ever bought the pre-made stuff in jars until we started running out of our supply from the previous season.

I don't recall their sauces ever being as thick or sweet as Prego. The only time we would have a thick sauce would be if it was a meat sauce, but the sauce itself was mainly thickened by all the shredded and ground meat in it.
I have never heard of Prego so I would have to vote for Ragu. However, I usually make the sauces myself. If not, I tend to buy the supermarkets own brand ones. I like Lloyd Grossman sauces too, but they are a bit expensive.
I don't care for any canned or bottled spaghetti sauce on its own, but it can make a good starter for cooking up your own sauce. Doctor it up and any kind can be pretty good.
Ragu as I have used it over the years, but I only have the basic ones as a standby with onions and garlic to save me time. I usually thicken them up and add my own ingredients to it, so they are a good base more than a stand alone sauce. I don't like seeds, so making my own takes up more time, so a jar of the sauce is useful when making a pasta bake or if I only need a small amount of sauce for a dish.
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