

27 Apr 2014
Local time
10:15 AM
Between a frying pan and a fire
These used to be one of my least favorite dried fruits. I love fresh grapes. I like grape jelly and jam. Raisins, though...?

Lately I've wondered about the different varieties. For the dark ones, that's what I see the most and that's what I'm used to. But what about white or golden raisins? Do they taste differently enough to get called for different recipes than the dark raisins would be used in? Or can they be used in the same recipe but just being something different to it than the most common variety?
I won't lie I haven't really realized that there were so many different types of raisins other than dark and golden. I really have no idea, I'd assume they would taste a tad different considering grapes in general taste slightly different in general. I know golden taste just as find in raisin bread as dark raisins. Both kinds taste good on celery and peanut butter as well.
For snacking I prefer the larger varieties and the golden ones. Ordinary brown raisins are best in baking rather than snacking. I add them to oatmeal . They swell up and sweeten the cooked porridge.
I have been eating a lot of these lately and while I never disliked them I never ate as many as I am. They are good for you and they are great in wide variety of dishes. Check out the different kinds and maybe you will find something that you like.
It could depend on what they're cooked in (or added to,) that's true. I was never fond of oatmeal cookies with raisins because chocolate chips exist and I keep thinking that they belong there instead of raisins, but raisins plumped in oatmeal porridge sounds very intriguing because I sometimes have my oatmeal porridge with peanut butter. And I do like peanut butter and grape jelly the best, and raisins are just grapes...

At the back of this pack of golden raisins, I also saw a recipe the involved basmati rice that I definitely was interested in, too!
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I'm kinda weird when it comes to sultanas, raisins and currants... I don't like them in things such as cakes, scones and the likes were the sponge/cake is more than the fruit. If however the fruit cake is solid fruit and there is very little evidence of sponge or binding agent to hold the mass of fruit together as in my homemade Christmas cake which is around 2kg of fruit, 6 eggs, 12 oz flour, 6 oz marg and 9oz sugar or so, then that is a totally different matter.

I can also quite happily eat them by themselves or with nuts, but a fruit sponge or fruit scone - not a hope! Yuck... told you I was weird! :roflmao:
I am a lover of raisins of all kinds - golden, brown, and dark. I can eat the dark ones by themselves, but I prefer the others in either bread or cake. Cake or sweet bread without raisins is not as nice to me. I have heard some say that they would prefer cake or sweet bread without raisins, but this has never been the case with me. I think the brown and dark variety go well with porridge also. When using these, there is no need to add sugar to the cereal. When it comes to bran flakes, I prefer the raisin bran to the plain bran. Fruit and nut chocolate is also nicer than the plain chocolate. Raisins are also a good source of fiber.
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