Ramen Burger


14 Apr 2015
Local time
9:22 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
I had to share this with you guys - I haven't yet been here, but there is a ramen burger restaurant that I stumbled across locally the other day!

Check this out!


I'm hoping I'll have a chance to try it with the husband soon -- it's not really a baby friendly place, I don't think, so I'll have to wait until a friend can babysit.

What do you think? Inventive? Too weird? Would you give it a whirl?
Wow! I think this is Inventive! This is something new and interesting using a Hand made Ramen bun instead of the Regular and the traditional bread bun. And the fillings are also different from the regular burger that we used to eat in Burger Restaurant. I guess this is something to check out in your place.
This is very different I must say. Not sure what it would be like but I would definitely want to try it out. I like trying things that are unique and this is one of them. Please let us know how it was once you get a chance to go there. I am very curious.
Unfortunately, the picture reminded me of worms...:sick: Seriously, though. I do wonder what the point is. Noodles are meant to be delightful and delicate 'strings' of rice which mix with and mingle with other ingredients... at least, thats what I thought.:happy:
Unfortunately, the picture reminded me of worms...:sick: Seriously, though. I do wonder what the point is. Noodles are meant to be delightful and delicate 'strings' of rice which mix with and mingle with other ingredients... at least, thats what I thought.:happy:

I think it's just a big gimmick! It's quirky and I guess that's what they think draws customers in...I'm curious to know if their store will last in the local area for long or not. But I'll definitely give you all an update if I do end up heading in!
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